Great Sermon! Awesome word! I love the 2 Peter 3 encapsulation toward the end of Voddie's sermon. Why hasn't all this (Revelation 19 and 20 stuff) happened yet? What are we waiting for? Christ has to save all of His people in time and in history. Not one shall perish of all of His.
Great Sermon! Excellent exegesis on Revelation 20:1-3!Voddie is a great expositor and has done an excellent job on his Revelation series so far.Since I have learned what exegesis & expositing scripture is,and how to do it,I always learn the most by those preachers who preach that way.Voddie is one of the few who actually do.We have a great shortage of expository preachers but thanks be to God who continues to provide sound teaching through the few that the church has.Iron sharpens Iron!
Ouch Oh how my flesh hated this message. Ouch. Thank You Voddie for confronting me with scriptural truth and pointing out my sin. Very humbling indeed.
Good message Good and clear exposition of the details of the exodus. There is much to be learned from this part of the Bible other than just Israel leaving Egypt, and Dr.Baucham offers a tremendous amount of clarify about this part of the Bible.
Mixed reaction There's some good material here from Dr.Baucham, particularly the heavy emphasis he places on the importance of confessions and creeds, of which I'm in complete agreement.
Where I have some issues, though, is in how Voddie seems to downplay the importance of seminary in training and sending of men. I don't doubt that there are sharp men who can aspire to leadership, but neglecting seminary seems to me to be a mistake. How is a man getting the in-depth training to pastor a church when they're just doing this as a hobby, without any sort of background education in the subject? If a pastor won't bother with seminary then how deep is their teaching really going to be? I want my family taught by a man who's done the training, not someone who does it as a side-job and can't even read Greek.
Response to Faye from Atlanta The most subversive teaching that comes from Permanence ideology comes form those who teach “indissoluble marriage.” A percentage of these teachers feel it necessary to exceed the bible in order to resolve divorce and remarriage, they advocate that subsequent marriages after divorce should end. The “divorce to repent” supposition has been a source of contention for a long time. Most Permanence advocates have not taught this doctrine because it is not instructed and unprecedented in scripture. The minority that teach this doctrine have whole heartedly abandoned biblical precedents for a solution of their understanding of how repentance should work itself out in this case. They believe repentance in this matter should look different NOW than it did in the Old Testament, they believe God requires now what He forbid before. Keep in mind that they are discarding biblical precedents and replacing it with their solution, they are speaking for God where God has not spoken. This zeal has a pharisaical tendency to add rules to the Word of God. The contention over this teaching is controversial, even for those who hold to other Permanence beliefs. There is nothing in the New Testament that should be construed as to reinterpret the Old Testament binding that occurred in remarriage.
Great Sermon! Jennifer writers:
..I am so cpnfused. Something is terribly terribly wrong.
The 144 000 are not the Church. They are Jews according to Gods promise.
Excellent So many pastors who have no problem with divorce if the "exceptions" are met are the same pastors who marry two people using the vows of "til death do us part", when the fact is, they don't actually believe in those words or hold to them. The permanence view of which Voddie teaches is just that: you hold to the vow until death parts you from your spouse, not convenient exceptions that you squeeze out of the Bible.
Great Sermon! @ Mr. Value in the text scripture says all men (singular) the meaning is from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.It also means believers. Not all will be saved Not all man, meaning man kind.
I hope and pray I've explained this right.
I'm thankful the Lord has led me to this site. I recently started listening to Voddie. Everything he teaches lines up with scripture. We are to test all things.
It's great to find someone who is also an Amillenialist. Being from California not many if at all teach this doctrine, other than David Rusco who's from my home town.
Thank you Voddie, and most of all thank you Jesus for teaching your word through him.