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Rev. Andrew Fitton | Cloverdale, British Columbia
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Ian Goligher
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Seventh - Day Adventists - Beyond The Gospel
9/29/2002 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Revelation 14:7-11
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Rev. Ian Goligher
Seventh Day Adventists Errors

Revelation 14:7-11
Sunday Service
Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Ian Goligher
Seventh Day Adventists Errors

Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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Yolanda (6/19/2019)
from AZ
“ Great Sermon! ”
I've been searching for a church since relocating several years ago. The stress of not being nourished with bread of life is almost unbearable. I attended a church that usually uses man-centered material (self-help). One that had a SDA speaker. Another that urged member, via announcements, to support a SDA local convention. But women are not allowed to speak in public gatherings. And men won't address these issues. It is unfortunate that "women aren't permitted" to pray publicly. Even with head covering. Yet the men don't appear to have a deep, rich, intimate connection with the living God who will perform his will among the people. Are we to wonder why churches are closing?

Yolanda (6/19/2019)
from AZ
“ Great Sermon! ”
This teaching is so very good. So very good.

RobinContact via email (11/3/2018)
from Georgia
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was born and raised in the SDA church and attended an SDA college, but when I started studying the scriptures with the guidance of The Holy Spirit I saw errors in SDA doctrine! I studied EGW’s first vision and realized it was t scripturally sound, for example; she stated that The L-RD told her and the “remnant church”( a term not found in scripture) the time of His returning! And nowhere in the Bible do you see G-D calling a woman to lead a church, and why is she called “a prophet”, and not a prophetess? She says Jesus is the Great Light and she is the “lesser light” and her writings should be taught zealously in the church and home! There is no need for a lesser light when we have Jesus and The Holy Spirit! I did want to correct the speaker, each church does not have sole authority, but must answer to regional conferences as a governing body, but the sole authority over all churches is the General Conference, they rule over the universal church! EGW is quotes and read more than the Bible, they worship her and follow her teachings! I’ve been teaching on the errors of their doctrine and causing people to question its doctrine! My family remain in its stronghold, believing “replacement Theology” that they are Jews, they won’t say it publicly but agree with EGW “remnant church” h

CeliaContact via email (7/17/2016)
from Pima County
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is teaching we need. Pray for Tucson. Mormons will erect Moroni on top of their church 2017. Also,the Moslems are building a mosque. They are within five miles of each other.

Sarah SimingtonContact via email (10/22/2007)
from Seattle
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an enchanting voice he has! I found the following quote straight from the horse’s mouth (an SDA source about hell) to augment Rev. Goligher’s sermon: “‘Fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured’ all the unsaved (Rev. 20:9). The very surface of the earth outside the city appears to melt, becoming a vast lake of fire for the ‘judgment and perdition of the ungodly men’ (2 Peter 3:7). The ‘day of the Lord’s vengeance’ (Isa. 34:8), upon which He will perform ‘his strange act’ (Isa. 28:21, KJV) of destroying His enemies, has arrived. Said John: ‘And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire’ (Rev. 20:15).” (page 369 of the SDA published book Seventh-day Adventists believe…)

Robert Bond (4/18/2007)
from Australia
“ Sabbath Comments ”
Dear friends, it is obvious from reading the comment posted by Bruce M. that he was visited by other than SDA's - quite possibly by JW's. SDA's hold Jesus Christ in the highest regard, as He is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father (and the Holy Spirit). The Bible also describes God as Spirit (John 4:24 KJV). It is also noteworthy that the Sabbath was created by God before sin or Jews (Gen 2), kept before Sinai (Gen 16), and will be kept for eternity (Isa 66:22-23). If Truth is going to be presented - please ensure that it is the Truth. Be a true man of God and post this comment with the others on your web site.

Bruce M.Contact via email (2/22/2006)
from Amherst,N.Y.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes,very important to safegaurd believers from heresy.I remember though,two of the Adventists knocking on my door and this time decided to slightly debate them.(because they always run when you disagree)Posing to be interested ,to my astonishment they proceeded to show me scriptures that the Logos was a ministering spirit that moved upon the waters and since the Bible describes angels as spirits,clearly Christ was and still is an angel.They like all cults have a diminished view of Jesus and have only one goal in mind=to RULE in the milleneum.That's all they ever talked about.Clearly the scripture is true,"That as long as the law of Moses is read (and kept as your only form of worshipping God)the veil of Moses covers your eyes so that you cannot see Christ."

D. Kofi Adu-BoahenContact via email (11/25/2005)
“ Be Warned! ”
Dear friends, Be on guard, becase is run by a SDA ministry called Amazing Facts, thus it only presents the Saturday teaching!!!

Max (10/15/2005)
“ Sabbath day ”
There are many non adventist Sabbath keeping Christians, most widely known around the world are the "Seventh Day Baptists". Adventists are a separate group not to be associated with bible based churches such as the seventh day baptists or other bible based sabbath keeping churches. Some Church of God seventh day churches accept the oneness pentecostal heresy though and again are their own group to themselves as most odd pentecostal theology is. WCG is now a mainstream bible based church and as far as I know abandoned all of the heresy they had before with armstrong. This has been for about 15-20 years now I believe. It is very interesting to read the history of the changing of the sabbath and the acceptance of sunday now as the "christian sabbath" which is not at all biblically justified.

FloContact via email (8/24/2005)
from Canada
“ Good Sermon! ”
Good Speaker, loves the Lord. Teaches the Word with conviction and heartful enthusiasm. However, a few facts he stated about the Sabbath are incorrect. Listen to the sermon yourself and do your own research to see if his facts about the Sabbath are indeed valid. Especially about the historical aspect of the Sabbath. Go visit and click on the Sabbath history link and make your own conclusions. Good Sermon nonetheless.

AndrewContact via email (10/15/2004)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I thought this sermon was great! I would like to know if you have other sermons on the Law of God and the Sabbath etc. What do you think of the World Wide Church of God when Herbert Armstrong was in charge of it?

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   All of Grace • 5/29/2007 | 5 posts
  Rev. Ian Goligher
Ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1981 after studying at The Whitefield College of the Bible in Northern Ireland, Pastor Ian Goligher was the pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church in Cloverdale, B.C. Canada, since pioneering the church there in 1984 until his retirement in...

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