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Rev. Andrew Fitton | Cloverdale, British Columbia
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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The F.P.C. in Cloverdale
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Rev. Ian Goligher
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Witnessing to Mormons Plus a Testimony by Converted Mormons
Book of Mormon Exposed
4/28/2002 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Galatians 1:8
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We need to be equipped to witness to these lost souls. Know the key texts to face the Mormons.
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Rev. Ian Goligher
A Mormon's Testimony

Book of Mormon Exposed
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Cloverdale Free Presbyterian
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Rev. Ian Goligher
A Mormon's Testimony

Book of Mormon Exposed
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Margaret daltonContact via email (2/2/2017)
from Northern Ireland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Spoke to my shop keeper today on the loss of my dad and brother within the past 6months,I said great to have my Faith!!! to get me through,he z yes im a man of Faith myself to my surprise he is mormon so I decided to equipe myself and took notes from this sermon,as a convert of only 2yrs ive a lot to learn but thankfully im at a great fpc church with good teaching and being fed of the spirit of God through his precious and Godbless

Soo Kim (1/12/2013)
from Los Angeles, CA
“ Great Sermon! ”
Father, thank you for your Word, your Spirit, Your Truth. There is a comment below from 2006 "a dedicated mormon", oh how I hope that lady reads this.... you say you would rather spend the time to "love your neighbor". In loving our neighbors, do we not care about their eternal home more than anything? what good is teaching your son to respect women if he loses his soul! if you only heard the message instead of reading the description and closing your eyes. Lord, please encourage the mormons to listen to this message. If you truly believe what you believe, this message should not shake you. If you are nervous that it will, God bless you! satan is the great deceiver, who comes to rob, steal and destroy, comes to imitate God, but there is only one God. Hallelujah.

Cathy (6/2/2012)
from Western Australia
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Thankyou, and God's richest blessings to you for an excellent sermon and testimony,spoken from loving hearts. My mother and brother have been mormons for about the same 26 years that I have been born again,by the grace of God and His gift of faith. The mormons no longer knock on my door, as they must consider me to be too apostate. They only ever received the true Gospel from me, as they hoped to deceive me, with the doctrine of men and of devils. I continue to speak God's truth to my family members however, also have entrusted them into the hands of the Lord. Only He can save the lost prodigals,and open their eyes to His truth. Very encouraging and comforting to hear the testimony of a person who can now help others, to know the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God.Amen.

carmen kuehlbornContact via email (12/9/2008)
from german former mormon
“ Great Sermon! ”
to the dedicated mormon. I was a Missionary for the church and i spend time preaching so called "the gospel". Well i know as a Mormon you fell often misstreadet. As a missioanry we went to christians wo been faithfull to jesus and teached them . Well the church do the same thing, spend time to people who have already a realtionship to god father and jesus. We didn't spend only time to teach people who didnt believe in God, and we did not a lot of service time in our mission. In Jospeh Smith-History Jospeh prayed and God Told him :that i must no join (churches)none of them , for they where all wrong, and the personage who adressed me said that all their creeds are an abomination in his sight...." Well this is statemant is still found in the BoM where Jospeh Smith told his Story. The Mormonchurch complains there persecuted and misunderstood and not treated fairly, but was does the church do? Well is proclaims to be the ONLY true church on earth.

savedbygrace (5/29/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Joe, Amen! May the Lord bless you and your wife exceedingly! Job 42:2

Darryl J. AndersonContact via email (3/7/2006)
from Boise
“ truth. ”
I was a mormon till the age of 36, i finally had the courage to check out for myself,whether it was true or not. I was shocked to realize that i had been deceived my entire life. To find the GOD of the bible, the alpha and omega, was the best day of my life. this sermon gives good info to those who are open minded.GOD bless.

T. Young (1/2/2006)
from SLC (epicenter)
“ Witnessing to Mormons ”
TO dedicated Mormon (12/1/2005) On reading your comment, I think of three things, first of the monkeys with hands over ears and eyes, second the praise that there is neither Jew nor Gentile, Slave nor Free in Christ Jesus, Last that all of our works are nothing but filthy rags in the face of an omnipotent God. To do Works without Christ is simply works. I am a Christian, To view yourself as Mormon is to set yourself apart, to Ghettoize yourself; to create a Them and Us point. It is almost a tribal loyalty and is not consistent with the Messiah. You can see more of my background on comments to the Hinckley article. In love.

David GravesContact via email (12/7/2005)
“ Excellent Resource for Reaching the Lost ”
This is an excellent resource for preparation in witnessing to the lost. My heart goes out to all the dear souls that are being allured away by this teaching. My heart is somewhat angered as I see Christian brothers/sisters who embrace this teaching as just another denomination. Please for the love of our Lord lets not be swayed into thinking that just because family values are upheld and morales are taught that this teaching of Mormonism is not dangerous and ultimately death to the person who chooses to believe it. Lets be wise, equipped and eager with Christian love to win the lost before its too late. Onward Soldiers!

A dedicated Mormon (12/1/2005)
“ Comment ”
My good (Baptist) friend recommended this audio sermon to me. I told him I would listen if it were uplifting and edifying, or does not demean, persecute, or make light of the beliefs I have. I read the brief sermon overview and very quickly lost my interest with the words, "We need to be equipped to witness to these lost souls. Know the key texts to face the Mormons." I will never understand why so many people spend so much of their time and effort to "prepare" to "face" the Mormons. If all that time and effort were spent on strengthening family values, feeding the poor, clothing the naked and administering to the sick and the afflicted, what a better world we would live in. I would rather spend the 62 minutes teaching my son how important it is to respect women or how important it is to try and love your neighbor. Remember that one, it’s called a commandment. For those of you who opt to listen, remember, this Mormon is not equipping or preparing to face you, rather he’s trying to love his neighbor unconditionally regardless of beliefs. Forgive them, for they know not what they do comes to mind.

MarcelContact via email (6/13/2005)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good message. First part: the pastor gives verses to use when dealing with Mormons as well as citing problems with mormonism. Second part: an ex-mormon gives his testimony. I recommend this message to people who are confused about mormonism. http://www.timef

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  Rev. Ian Goligher
Ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1981 after studying at The Whitefield College of the Bible in Northern Ireland, Pastor Ian Goligher was the pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church in Cloverdale, B.C. Canada, since pioneering the church there in 1984 until his retirement in...

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