Speaker: Various Speakers
19,438 sermons
Homosexuality and Ordination
What is the biblical perspective on ordination and homosexuality?
>Churches and Goverment Money - 7/10/2020 Catholic Church and Tax Money - 7/11/2020 Divisions in the Church - 7/12/2020 Christ not Caesar - 7/24/2020 Christ, Caeser, and MacArthur - 7/26/2020 Restoration Christian Hip Hop - 8/21/2020 President Trump and MacArthur - 9/10/2020 Jeff Durbin and Vulgarity - 10/7/2020 The Romans 13 Debate - 12/8/2020 Catholic Church and Money - 2/4/2021 Evangelical View of Sex - 2/20/2021 Christian Celebrity - 3/4/2021 Bible and Future of the Church - 3/5/2021 Church and Losing Weight - 3/7/2021 Beth Moore Leaves - 3/10/2021 Digital vs Physical Bible - 3/13/2021 Homosexuality and the Bible - 3/24/2021 Baptism by Immersion - 3/30/2021 Christian Men and VP Harris - 3/30/2021 Church Membership Decline - 3/31/2021 MacArthur Study Bible - 3/31/2021 The Weekend Church Service - 4/3/2021 Kids Leaving the Faith - 4/7/2021 Deceived About Salvation Pt 1 - 4/13/2021 Deceived About Salvation Pt 2 - 4/14/2021 Deceived About Salvation Pt 3 - 4/14/2021 Deceived About Salvation Pt 4 - 4/16/2021 John MacArthur and the Gospel - 4/21/2021 John MacArthur and the Gospel - 4/21/2021 Methodist Church Split - 4/24/2021 Methodist Church Clarification - 4/24/2021 Head Coverings - 4/27/2021 Christians Walking Away - 4/30/2021 Consumer Church Members - 5/3/2021 Drag Queen Sunday - 5/3/2021 Charging People for Preaching - 5/8/2021 Saddleback and women preachers - 5/8/2021 Christians and Global Crisis - 5/9/2021 Christianity and 330 A.D - 5/11/2021 The Church in 2021 - 5/12/2021 Email About John 8:1-11 - 5/24/2021 Pentecostalism - 5/30/2021 SBC and Women Pastors - 6/19/2021 Christianity and Happiness - 6/20/2021 SBC and Heresy - 6/26/2021 SBC and The Trinity - 6/26/2021 Are Sermons Worth It? - 6/27/2021 Atheism and Happiness - 6/28/2021 Conferences and Scripture - 6/29/2021 Scripture in Context - 6/29/2021 Biggest Issues For The Church - 6/29/2021 4th of July and the Church - 7/4/2021 The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill - 7/8/2021 Free From the Power of Sin - 7/28/2021 The Church Isn't for Believers - 8/3/2021 Where is the Church Going? - 8/7/2021 Mark Driscoll and Hermeneutics - 8/10/2021 I Kissed Christianity Goodbye - 8/21/2021 Is Faith a Gift? - 8/29/2021 Frustration With Christianity - 10/8/2021 Only 13% Tithe - 10/29/2021 Passion Translation - 11/3/2021 The End of Apathy - 11/5/2021 MacArthur Sermon Help For $100 - 11/7/2021 Discipleship 101 - 11/24/2021 Ministry or Entertainment? - 11/26/2021 Money, Ministry, and Success - 11/30/2021 The Saint Peter Option Pt 1 - 12/7/2021 The Saint Peter Option Pt 2 - 12/7/2021 Replacement Theology - 12/8/2021 The Futility of Preaching - 12/22/2021 Lucifer is Not Satan Pt 1 - 1/12/2022 Lucifer is Not Satan Pt 2 - 1/14/2022 Church Fathers Commentary - 1/16/2022 Christians Banning Books - 2/2/2022 Was Jonah A Real Person? - 2/2/2022 What if Jonah Wasn't Real? - 2/2/2022 Books to Watch in 2022 - 2/4/2022 Greg Locke Book Burning - 2/5/2022 Feeling God's Presence - 2/10/2022 Christians Don't Go to Heaven - 2/11/2022 Francis Chan and Discipleship - 2/12/2022 Why Did Jesus Come to Earth? - 2/12/2022 War on Deconstruction? - 2/14/2022 Invalid Baptisms Pt 1 - 2/18/2022 Invalid Baptisms Pt 2 - 2/18/2022 Greg Locke and Witches - 2/23/2022 Church Offers Tithe Refund - 2/24/2022 Putin and Christians - 2/28/2022 MacArthur: Church Discipline - 3/9/2022 MacArthur, Abuse, Discipline - 3/14/2022 Steven Furtick and His Son - 3/14/2022 Can You Leave A Church? - 3/16/2022 MacArthur: You Can't Leave - 3/16/2022 MacArthur and a Child Abuser - 3/18/2022 A Southern Baptist Civil War? - 3/21/2022 Andy Stanley Dangerous? Pt 2 - 3/21/2022 Andy Stanley Dangerous? 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Pt 1 - 6/13/2022 Sermon: Shoot Gay People? Pt 2 - 6/13/2022 SBC Saddleback Decision - 6/15/2022 $395,000 by June 30 Pt 2 - 6/16/2022 Purity Culture Pt 1 - 6/17/2022 $500,000 Gospel Challenge - 6/18/2022 Purity Culture Pt 2 - 6/18/2022 The Foundations Group - 6/18/2022 Churches Closing Down - 6/23/2022 Disease vs Symptoms - 6/25/2022 $395,000 by June 30 Pt 3 - 6/30/2022 Patriotism in the Church - 6/30/2022 Postmill and Theonomy - 6/30/2022 4th of July and Christianity - 7/2/2022 A Discovery and the Rapture - 7/3/2022 Creflo Dollar Repents? Pt 1 - 7/4/2022 Creflo Dollar Repents? Pt 2 - 7/5/2022 Creflo Dollar Repents? Pt 3 - 7/5/2022 The Desert Fathers - 7/7/2022 What Makes A Sermon Effective? - 7/15/2022 A World That Hates Christians - 7/16/2022 Jordan Peterson and the Church - 7/18/2022 Biblical Illiteracy - 7/19/2022 Christian Parenting and Love - 7/22/2022 The Faith Double Standard - 7/25/2022 SBC Clarifies The Word Pastor - 8/2/2022 AOG Ordination of Women - 8/6/2022 Gospel Coalition Apostasy? - 8/8/2022 Millennium and a Millipede - 8/14/2022 The Sermon Mic Drop - 8/17/2022 Homosexuality and Ordination - 8/18/2022 Beards and Masculinity - 8/22/2022 The Church and Alcohol - 8/22/2022 Christian Zombie Languages - 8/23/2022 Church and Trump 2024 - 8/24/2022 Christianity and Reality - 8/26/2022 Mar-a-Logo and Jesus - 8/26/2022 Myth of Community - 8/26/2022 The Bible According to Me - 8/28/2022 Rick Warren's Final Sermon - 8/29/2022 The Church and Flawed People - 8/29/2022 Ongoing Sin - 8/31/2022 What's Missing in Preaching? - 9/2/2022 The pursueGod Journal - 9/12/2022 Sermon Review: Luke 2:41-52 - 9/13/2022 Overcoming Sin? 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- 1/9/2023 Fasting and Sex - 1/10/2023 End Times Apostasy - 1/15/2023 AI Generated Christianity - 1/16/2023 Worthless Debating - 1/16/2023 The Chosen Replaces the Bible - 1/19/2023 Preaching John 1 - 1/23/2023 Immaculate Conception - 1/24/2023 Andy Stanley on Homosexuality - 1/25/2023 Church Attendance - 1/30/2023 It Isn't Well With My Soul - 2/1/2023 Unholy Grammys - 2/6/2023 Lutheran Catechism Controversy - 2/7/2023 Come Out In Jesus Name - 2/8/2023 Demon Possessed Christians - 2/10/2023 Asbury University Revival - 2/13/2023 John Sermon Review - 2/13/2023 Sermon: Asbury Revival - 2/14/2023 Killing Sin - 2/16/2023 Asbury Revival Was Planned? - 2/20/2023 Asbury A Great Awakening? - 2/26/2023 Bad Theology and Sickness - 2/27/2023 Transphobia is a Sin - 2/28/2023 Sex Won't Save You - 3/7/2023 Charles Stanley Confusion - 3/8/2023 The Iraq War and the Church - 3/12/2023 Know Him - 3/16/2023 Bible or Bible App? - 3/17/2023 Rebuilding The Temple? - 3/17/2023 Assurance and 1 John Pt 1 - 3/20/2023 Assurance and 1 John Pt 2 - 3/20/2023 Quit Quiet Time? - 3/21/2023 Show Me The Toes - 3/23/2023 Know Him Book Review - 3/24/2023 Preaching: The Main Character? - 3/25/2023 The Come and See Book - 3/25/2023 Overcomers? - 3/26/2023 Come and See Review - 3/28/2023 Prayer and the Christian Life - 3/28/2023 Church Requires Tithing - 3/30/2023 4 Stages - 4/4/2023 Changing Christianity - 4/11/2023 Is There A Famine? - 4/13/2023 Sandals Church Anywhere - 4/15/2023 Assembly of God Attendance - 4/18/2023 Charles Stanley Has Died - 4/18/2023 Don't Quit Quiet Time - 4/18/2023 Sandals Church: Baptism - 4/19/2023 The Ugliness of Christianity - 4/19/2023 How To Benefit From Sermons - 4/20/2023 Spiritual Famine Defined - 4/21/2023 God Centered Dialogue - 4/24/2023 The Greatest Threat? - 4/24/2023 Flashpoint Christian News - 5/3/2023 Christianbook Catalog - 5/4/2023 Can Pastors Question? - 5/5/2023 Flashpoint Christian News Pt 2 - 5/5/2023 Wrong Worship - 5/19/2023 Not Manifesting But Consenting - 5/26/2023 Questionable Bible Study - 5/27/2023 Apathy in the Church - 5/29/2023 Christians Turn on Their Own - 6/5/2023 Movie Success and Revival? - 6/7/2023 Seminary: Cost vs Benefit - 6/9/2023 Politics as Church Growth - 6/10/2023 Southern Baptists Meet - 6/10/2023 Is Preaching a Team Sport? - 6/12/2023 Christian Nationalism Defended - 6/13/2023 Things Pastors Can't Do - 6/14/2023 MacArthur: Gospel of Doubt - 6/15/2023 Auto-Tune Covers Sins - 6/26/2023 Satanic Panic - 6/27/2023 Women Parachurch Ministries - 6/28/2023 4 Indie Worship Albums - 6/29/2023 Homosexuality and Salvation - 6/30/2023 Junia: A Female Apostle? - 7/8/2023 Witches and Spectral Evidence - 7/8/2023 Christianity and Power - 7/10/2023 Sword Conference 2023 - 7/10/2023 Andy Stanley: The Bible - 7/11/2023 Romans 12:2 - 7/11/2023 7 Mountain Threat - 7/12/2023 Sermons: Online or In Person? - 7/13/2023 The Gospel At The Urinal - 7/13/2023 Table in the Wilderness - 7/14/2023 The Word Not Getting In - 7/16/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 1 - 7/17/2023 Mark 5:25-34 - 7/17/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 2 - 7/18/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 3 - 7/18/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 4 - 7/18/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 5 - 7/19/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 6 - 7/19/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 7 - 7/20/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 8 - 7/20/2023 2023 Sword Conference Pt 9 - 7/20/2023 Predestination and Free Will - 7/21/2023 J.D. Greear Rebukes - 8/4/2023 Gen X and Church Attendance - 8/5/2023 The J. D. Greear Sermon Pt 1 - 8/7/2023 The J.D. Greear Sermon Pt 2 - 8/7/2023 The J.D. Greear Sermon Pt 3 - 8/8/2023 Christianity is in crisis - 8/10/2023 Contradict or Compliment? - 8/11/2023 Constitution or the Bible? - 8/12/2023 Good Preaching Is Storytelling - 8/12/2023 Sermon Spark - 8/14/2023 Alex Jones: End Times Pt 1 - 8/15/2023 Alex Jones: End Times Pt 2 - 8/15/2023 Alex Ones: End Times Pt 3 - 8/15/2023 Sermon Spark Pt 2 - 8/15/2023 Sermon Spark Pt 3 - 8/15/2023 Sermon Spark Pt 4 - 8/15/2023 Olivet Discourse - 8/17/2023 NAR: Heaven on Earth? - 8/24/2023 Modalism or Trinitarianism - 9/4/2023 The Trinity: Read Your Bible! - 9/7/2023 Church Marketing - 9/11/2023 The Heart vs The Sinful Nature - 9/26/2023 AI Church Takeover - 10/4/2023 Coffee During Worship - 10/6/2023 One Point Preaching - 10/6/2023 Israel: What’s Next Pt 2 - 10/16/2023 Israel: What’s Next? Pt 1 - 10/16/2023 Preaching: Church vs The World - 10/18/2023 War On Poor People Pt 1 - 10/23/2023 War on Poor People Pt 2 - 10/24/2023 Jesus and Forgivness - 10/25/2023 Expository Heresy - 10/28/2023 Dechurch and Church As Mother - 11/1/2023 Biblical Illiteracy Again? - 11/10/2023 Trump: Dehumanizing Enemies - 11/14/2023 Christmas At The Movies - 12/4/2023 The Cost of a Sermon - 12/11/2023 Worship or Spectacle? - 12/17/2023 Biblical Morality - 12/23/2023 What Do Christians Believe? - 12/26/2023 2024 Sermons 2.0 App Challenge - 12/27/2023 Christian in Complete Armor - 12/28/2023 MAGA Prophetic Prediction - 1/1/2024 Creation Museum and Children - 1/4/2024 The Evangelical Voter - 1/8/2024 Pro Trump Prophecies - 1/13/2024 What Controls You? - 1/13/2024 Puritan Apology Day - 1/14/2024 The Depths of Christ - 1/25/2024 Alistair Begg Kicked Off Radio - 1/26/2024 Alistair Begg Responds - 1/29/2024 Way of Life Bible College - 1/31/2024 Signs Sinful Nature Controls - 2/1/2024 Willow Creek Closing - 2/7/2024 America and God’s Mercy - 2/10/2024 Bivocational: The Future - 2/13/2024 CCM: American Christianity - 2/20/2024 Shocking Statistics - 2/20/2024 Conference Industrial Complex - 2/21/2024 Martin Luther King: In Hell? - 2/23/2024 Pastor: Women Deserve To Be... - 2/23/2024 MacArthur and Satanic Temple - 2/26/2024 Christian Podcast Number 1? - 2/27/2024 When Prayer Becomes Sin - 2/27/2024 Foolishness Of Preaching - 3/3/2024 Purity Culture Revisited - 3/4/2024 You CAN Have Victory Pt 1 - 3/6/2024 You CAN Have Victory Pt 2 - 3/6/2024 Biblical Training App - 3/8/2024 You CAN Have Victory Pt 3 - 3/9/2024 Easy Believism vs Lordship - 3/10/2024 Questioning People’s Salvation - 3/13/2024 Greed, Wealth, and Money - 3/14/2024 Parsonage Tax Exemption - 3/14/2024 Contentment In Marriage - 3/15/2024 Future of Closing Churches - 3/18/2024 Charles Stanley Institute - 3/19/2024 Catechism Sales 500,000 - 3/20/2024 Trump Selling Bibles - 3/26/2024 Church and Easter Eggs - 3/28/2024 Mark Driscoll Kicked Off Stage - 4/14/2024 Plagiarizing an Apology - 4/14/2024 Mark Driscoll Update - 4/15/2024 Brothers and Sisters in Christ - 4/19/2024 Stanley Institute Is Open - 4/19/2024 John Lindell and Mark Driscoll - 4/19/2024 Losing The Abortion Battle - 4/23/2024 Pastor Condemns Nationalism - 4/24/2024 Christians and Truth - 4/25/2024 How A Preacher Speaks - 4/26/2024 Holy Spirit God of Order - 5/14/2024 15 Minute Church Services - 5/17/2024 The Gen Z Bible Translation - 5/21/2024 Threats Facing the Church - 5/21/2024 Segregation and the Church - 5/24/2024 When Pastors Say This - 5/25/2024 Fix The Church How? - 5/27/2024 When God Comes To Church - 5/30/2024 2,000 Mules and Christianity - 5/31/2024 Prophetic Reset - 6/18/2024 Psalm 119: Charles Bridges - 6/25/2024 Faith in Guns - 7/1/2024 Modernism and Formalism - 7/2/2024 4th of July and Idolatry - 7/4/2024 The Chosen and the Bible - 7/5/2024 Bible’s Negative Impact - 7/9/2024 Absolute Surrender - 7/31/2024 Why God Used - 7/31/2024 Spiritual Warfare and Money - 8/20/2024 30 Day Prayer Series - 8/29/2024 Unshackled: My Sister’s Story - 9/3/2024 A New Christian Fad? - 9/15/2024 Is The Church In Trouble? - 9/15/2024 AI and the Christian Life - 9/17/2024 Small Groups 2024 - 9/18/2024 We Are All Sinners! - 9/19/2024 Selling and Buying Fear - 9/20/2024 Evening Confession - 9/22/2024 David Permanently Disqualified - 9/24/2024 Is God In Control? - 10/15/2024 Frankenstein and Politics - 11/1/2024 Election Day and Christianity - 11/4/2024 Celebrity Pastors - 11/9/2024 Why Pastors Fall Into Sin - 11/9/2024 Catholic Exorcisms - 11/13/2024 Help I Look at Porn! - 11/19/2024 AI Jesus Bible Interpretation - 11/29/2024 The Future of Christianity - 12/2/2024 Pastors vs Podcast - 12/9/2024 Christmas Confusion - 12/10/2024 Leave Demonic Statues Alone - 12/12/2024 Mass Shootings and Luke 22:36 - 12/19/2024 Problems: Christmas Sermons - 12/23/2024 Trump and Manifest Destiny - 1/22/2025 Christianity: Times of Trouble - 1/25/2025 Hamartiology: Overview - 2/8/2025 Spiritual Malpractice - 2/9/2025 Default Postion: Jeshurun - 2/10/2025 I Found the Amish Where? - 2/14/2025 10 Secrets About Church - 2/17/2025 Does Grace Enable? - 2/18/2025 The Church and $80,000 - 2/18/2025 Bonhoeffer:Thesis on Stupidity - 2/19/2025 Prevenient Grace - 2/19/2025 A Cultural Revolution? - 2/20/2025 Anger & an Apology - 2/20/2025 No Church Obeys This? - 2/21/2025 Sermons 3.0 App Update - 2/21/2025 Church is Discouraging? - 2/27/2025 Encouragement - 2/27/2025
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