Nick Holden | Porterville, Mississippi
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Speaker: Nick Holden
2,065 sermons
A Sound Mind It's not an option but a must for everyone and anyone who desires to walk with the Lord — especially those who want to have an impact on our society and be a difference-maker for Jesus. Come join us as we reflect on what the Word of God says about having a sound mind and the foundations our where we all come from and God's plan for us. Sunday mornings at the Chapel (2.11.2024) #nestingwithjesus #genesis #genesis11 #genesis10 #genesis8 #2timothy1and7 #1corinthians10 #romans15 #romans10ans17 #hebrews11 #genesis4 #cain #nimrod #acts17and23thru31 #acts17and26thru27 #byoneman #onebloodedpeople #FROMonebloodandbyONEBLOOD #noah #floodwatersofNoah #inmercy #bymercy #withmercy #throughmercy #Jesus #JesusChrist #resurrection #2corinthians5and14thru21 #revelation12and11 #bytheBlood
>Let There Be Light - 11/3/2019 God Formed It To Fill It - 11/3/2019 To Walk with God - 11/6/2019 Moved By the Message and.. - 11/7/2019 Known For What He Preached - 11/7/2019 Interrupted or Disrupted - 11/8/2019 Seed and Root of the Rainbow - 11/8/2019 They Will Come — You Will.. - 11/14/2019 Genesis Funnel (Flow) Chart - 11/15/2019 Known For Their Trust and Life - 11/16/2019 God's Work In Circumcision - 11/18/2019 Understanding Submission - 11/21/2019 Pilgrims — Passing Through - 11/22/2019 Where, How and Why We Walk.. - 11/23/2019 The Sweet Secret of Abraham.. - 11/25/2019 Welldiggers — Uncovering Wells - 11/26/2019 The Spirit of Esau — And.. - 11/27/2019 Jacob, Esau and Grace - 12/4/2019 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - 12/4/2019 To Be Loved, Heard and Held - 12/4/2019 You Can't Make This Up - 12/10/2019 Learning, Living and Sharing - 12/11/2019 Who Proves Us? - 12/11/2019 Keen Insights of Joseph - 12/14/2019 Nuggets of Gold in A Field.. - 12/17/2019 When God Sends You - 12/17/2019 Like Cold Water On A Weary.. - 12/20/2019 Embracing the Foundation - 10/6/2022 Standing on the Right.. - 10/6/2022 Love Not As Cain - 10/7/2022 God's Redemptive Story - 10/11/2022 A Drop in the Bucket - 10/12/2022 Tenderness and Toughness - 10/13/2022 The Gift of Confusion - 10/15/2022 When Confused — What Do I Do? - 10/15/2022 One From Your Body - 10/19/2022 A People From the Other Side - 10/26/2022 Initiating and Fulling His P.. - 10/27/2022 Two Adam's (Who Are They?) - 10/28/2022 A Selecting God - 10/29/2022 Uprooting Bitterness - 11/3/2022 The Need for Love - 11/4/2022 Distinguishing, Disarming, D.. - 11/5/2022 Esau and His Chieftains - 11/8/2022 It Matters that You Know It.. - 11/10/2022 Content and Concerned — Seei.. - 11/12/2022 Leaving, Cleaving and Concei.. - 11/12/2022 Patiently Untangling A Mess - 11/14/2022 It Wasn't Accidental - 11/17/2022 When What's Real Is A Lie - 11/17/2022 Faith — Believing and Trusting - 11/19/2022 Discerning the Wrath of God - 2/7/2024 When God Doesn't Like You... - 2/7/2024 Who Walks With God? - 2/7/2024 Cain or Christ - 2/8/2024 What A Gift - 2/10/2024 He Speaks Better Things… - 2/12/2024 A Sound Mind - 2/13/2024 The Wrong and Right Kind… - 2/14/2024 Who Sees and Who Can’t - 2/15/2024 By Faith or Flesh - 2/15/2024 Traps, Triumphs, and Trust… - 2/16/2024 I Love This Word - 2/17/2024 Lingering Trouble - 2/20/2024 When Believing Gets Hard - 2/21/2024 What Happened in the Beginni.. - 2/22/2024 He’s Trustworthy and True - 2/23/2024 The King and His Kingdom - 2/28/2024 When the Wicked Recognize Wi.. - 2/29/2024 Destined For Grace - 3/1/2024 A Faithful, Loyal, and Happy.. - 3/1/2024 Crippling Affects of Fear an.. - 3/2/2024 Uncovering Wells — Revival W.. - 3/2/2024 Tips On Compromise - 3/4/2024 A Costly Compromise - 3/5/2024 If He Could, He Would - 3/5/2024 Fleeing or Following - 3/6/2024 Know Anyone Dysfunctional? - 3/7/2024 Here — I Raise My Ebenezer - 3/8/2024 Living Illustrations - 3/9/2024 The Life of One — The God Fa.. - 3/14/2024 God’s Curveballs - 3/15/2024 The Life of One — The Glory.. - 3/15/2024 Trusting His Timing - 3/16/2024 Why Do We? - 3/17/2024 Declaring Plainly - 3/18/2024 A New Day Dawning - 3/19/2024 Choices — They Count - 3/20/2024 It ALL Matters - 3/21/2024
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