Great Sermon! Woke up crying and asking God when the restrainer would be taken away, really unsure of even who the restrainer is, found this sermon, it spoke to my heart, calmed my fears and told me who the restrainer is. It is God this I believe. Your sermon was edifying and much needed. God answers prayers and still speaks to us in manifold ways~! Thank You and God Bless~!
Great Sermon! I applaud you for realizing the PHYSICAL circumcision under the old covenant was in fact a BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR SIN. At least, it seems you were acknowledging that fact, proven by a passage in Exodus 4:24-26. In the new testament precisely because of Christ's blood being shed for the sins of the world, PHYSICAL circumcision was ABOLISHED. In fact, the Apostle Paul called it MUTILATION (Philippians 3:2), but unfortunately few Christians are teaching this today.
Again, I applaud you for recognizing that today we are under the new covenant of SPIRITUAL circumcision of the HEART. It is also important that we teach parents to keep their children whole and intact as creator God made them and no longer practice PHYSICAL circumcision.
God bless!
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Blessings Blessings Mrs. Pare... I pray this finds you resting in the strong and mighty arms of such a tender hearted and triumphal Shepherd,. The great Shepherd, who graciously and ever so generously gives courage and confidence and compassion to His sheep that find His voice and vision their chief delight and complete trust. For where He leads, He meets our every need. Thanks for sharing how this message encouraged and strengthened you as you continue to run the race He’s set before. Many blessings to you and your nest. (Psalm 23 ; John 10)
Just what I needed to hear Anxiety and worry about my health keeps me awake at night. I saw your August update on IG along with the website for your sermons. This was everything I needed to hear and believe. I will get myself back on track and look to Him and trust in Him; that if He’s leading me to it, His grace will surely lead me through it. Amen! Thank you Pastor Nick.