Speaker: Various Speakers
18,898 sermons
A discussion about Trump and Justice
>Responding to Injustice.. - 5/29/2020 Is America Being Destroyed? - 6/4/2020 Defund the Police and.. - 6/8/2020 Editing Human Embryos - 6/17/2020 Cracka: Puts Blacks as.. - 6/20/2020 Playing God with Human Genes - 6/27/2020 Christian Radio, Covid-19,.. - 7/2/2020 Money and Politics - 7/2/2020 Women Preaching - 7/3/2020 Evangelicals the Trump Test - 7/5/2020 Jesus as a Lesbian - 7/5/2020 Church $1.4 Billion Tax Money - 7/10/2020 Voter Fraud Sidney Powell.. - 11/23/2020 Fox News in Purgatory.. - 11/24/2020 Is this house the boyhood.. - 11/24/2020 Beth Moore and Cruelty - 3/15/2021 Vatican Will Not Bless Same.. - 3/15/2021 Atlanta Shooter Was Tired.. - 3/17/2021 Atlanta Spa Shootings and.. - 3/17/2021 The Atlanta Shootings and.. - 3/19/2021 The Atlanta Shootings:.. - 3/19/2021 Christianity Reacts to the.. - 3/20/2021 Morning News Inside a Church - 4/16/2021 Human-Monkey Embryos - 4/16/2021 A New Vision of Jesus - 4/22/2021 Post Christian America - 4/23/2021 Police Shootings and the Media - 4/24/2021 Another Police Shooting - 4/27/2021 Newsmax Apologizes - 5/1/2021 Half of Americans Think.. - 5/8/2021 Liz Cheney vs Loyalty to a Lie - 5/12/2021 Ted Cruz and the Church - 6/22/2021 Glenn Beck and 2 Timothy 3 - 6/26/2021 Ted Cruz and the Church - 6/26/2021 Money and Ministry - 7/1/2021 Changing Church Missing People - 7/1/2021 Woman Receives 100 Lashes - 7/1/2021 4th of July and Patriotism - 7/2/2021 Hobby Lobby and Dominionism - 7/6/2021 The Threat of Individualism - 7/6/2021 Sermon Plagiarism - 7/8/2021 The New World Religion: UFOs - 7/11/2021 Plagiarism: Sermons for Sale - 7/12/2021 Pray Away Homosexuality - 7/13/2021 Gender Pronouns and My Truth - 7/14/2021 Buying Sermons to Preach - 7/14/2021 Have We Lost Our Minds? - 7/18/2021 Creationism is Racist - 7/20/2021 Muslim Holiday - 7/20/2021 Transgender, A Spa, and Prison - 7/21/2021 Wear A Mask be Asked to Leave - 7/27/2021 Covid 19 Delta Variant - 7/31/2021 Voddie Baucham and Plagiarism? - 8/3/2021 Voddie Baucham Responds - 8/6/2021 Politics in the Pulpit - 8/11/2021 Christian Nationalism Revival - 8/14/2021 Is Mark Driscoll an Apostle? - 8/14/2021 The Taliban and the Christian - 8/15/2021 Many Ways to Salvation? - 8/27/2021 Ivermectin and the Bible - 8/28/2021 Ivermectin Missing the Point - 8/29/2021 Christians Opposing Vaccine - 9/4/2021 Holy Spirit Isn't Real? - 9/10/2021 Fracturing Evangelicalism Pt 1 - 9/12/2021 Fracturing Evangelicalism Pt 2 - 9/12/2021 Trump and the Moonies - 9/17/2021 The Gospel of Sherri Tenpenny - 9/18/2021 Vaccine Religious Exemption - 9/20/2021 Americans vs The Truth - 9/23/2021 Christianity and Microchips - 9/25/2021 America's Worldview Crisis - 10/20/2021 Is Jesus The Only Way? - 10/24/2021 Jim Cavizel and QAnon - 10/28/2021 People Paying To Worship - 10/30/2021 Apathy In the Church - 11/4/2021 Hearing God and Covid Vaccine - 11/5/2021 Covid Vaccine Mandates - 11/8/2021 Side B Christians - 11/10/2021 Conservatism or Christianity? - 11/11/2021 Let's go Brandon in Church - 11/17/2021 A Call for One Religion - 11/17/2021 Church Apologizes for Chant - 11/20/2021 White Evangelical Fear Pt 1 - 11/21/2021 White Evangelical Fear Pt 2 - 11/23/2021 White Evangelical Fear Pt 3 - 11/24/2021 Conspiracy Theories and God - 11/26/2021 The Chosen Christmas Special - 11/28/2021 Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson - 12/3/2021 Denying Christ is Eternal - 12/9/2021 Pope Francis Sins of the Flesh - 12/9/2021 Is Christianity Two Religions? - 12/10/2021 Is Conservatism Biblical? Pt 1 - 12/11/2021 Tornadoes and Prayer - 12/11/2021 Evangelism Porn - 12/12/2021 Is Conservatism Biblical? Pt 2 - 12/13/2021 Is A New Religion Forming? - 12/15/2021 A Political Tipping Point - 12/15/2021 Russia, Iran, and Israel - 12/15/2021 A Bible With 20,000 Revisions - 12/26/2021 Money and Christian Apps - 12/28/2021 The Renewal - 12/28/2021 Church, State, and Omicron - 12/30/2021 Theology of Extraterrestrials - 12/30/2021 Russia and Just War Doctrine - 12/31/2021 Marjorie Greene and Censorship - 1/6/2022 Assemblies of God and Healing - 1/15/2022 MacArthur and Freedom - 1/15/2022 Christians and Alcohol - 1/21/2022 MacArthur Sermon: Hate Speech - 1/24/2022 Teaching What is Uncomfortable - 2/10/2022 Jews and the Temple Mount - 2/12/2022 Theology, Russia, and Ukraine - 2/24/2022 QAnon Isn't Dead - 2/25/2022 Covid 19, Recession, and War - 2/26/2022 World Events and Christianity - 3/12/2022 Crypto Mark of the Beast - 3/22/2022 God's Name Uncovered - 3/26/2022 The Slap - 3/28/2022 Gun Ownership and Depravity - 4/5/2022 Bible Users Drop - 4/7/2022 Time to Build the Temple - 4/18/2022 The End of Roe v Wade - 5/3/2022 Replacement Theory - 5/16/2022 Good Guy With A Gun Theory - 5/28/2022 Roswell 75 Years Ago - 6/8/2022 The Apocryphal Gospels - 6/8/2022 January 6 Committee - 6/9/2022 Israel to Strike Iran? - 6/10/2022 Iran's Nuclear Tactics - 6/11/2022 Church Shooting in Alabama - 6/16/2022 Belief in God Dips to New Low - 6/20/2022 FBI Raids Three Churches - 6/23/2022 House of Prayer Church Pt 1 - 6/24/2022 The End of Roe v Wade - 6/24/2022 Abortion and Sovereignty - 6/25/2022 Church Should Direct The State - 6/28/2022 Americans For Armed Revolt? - 7/1/2022 Panic Porn - 7/18/2022 Politics and Reality - 8/25/2022 Religion in France - 8/27/2022 The Aftermath of Tragedy - 9/6/2022 Human Brain Cells in Rats - 10/20/2022 Football and Tribalism - 10/31/2022 Homosexual A Bible Mistake - 11/7/2022 Christian Election Denial - 11/11/2022 Cult, Murder, Missing Baby - 11/13/2022 NPR Abortion Broadcast - 11/14/2022 Origin of Water on Earth? - 11/17/2022 Teen's Shocking Eulogy - 11/18/2022 Pro Kanye Emails - 12/2/2022 O Come All Ye Faithful - 12/19/2022 Spirituality in 2023 - 1/24/2023 Fox News Spread Lies - 2/18/2023 The Discord Disappearance - 3/1/2023 Lana Del Rey Sermon - 3/24/2023 Lana Del Rey Sermon Pt 2 - 3/24/2023 Prayer and Tornadoes - 3/25/2023 Another Shooting and Death - 3/27/2023 Fox News and Lying - 4/20/2023 Culture of Fear - 4/25/2023 A Country on Fire - 4/28/2023 Another Shooting - 4/29/2023 Trump and Political Pastors - 5/2/2023 Trump and Christians - 5/9/2023 Kenyan Death Cult - 5/25/2023 Elon Musk Neuralink - 5/26/2023 Where Was God? - 6/2/2023 The Trump Indictment - 6/9/2023 Suicide Bombers? Pt 1 - 6/15/2023 Suicide Bombers? Pt 2 - 6/16/2023 Top 5% - 6/26/2023 AntiSemitism on the Rise? - 6/27/2023 Forces That Change The World - 6/28/2023 Goodbye Stitcher App - 6/28/2023 Glenn Beck Removed From Apple - 8/16/2023 Glenn Beck Back on Apple Pt 1 - 8/17/2023 Glenn Beck Back on Apple Pt 2 - 8/17/2023 Trump or your Pastor? - 8/21/2023 Earthquake and Psalm 107 - 9/11/2023 Israel Is At War - 10/7/2023 Israel at War: 10/8/23 - 10/8/2023 Israel and Gaza Pt 1 - 10/12/2023 Israel: Blame Christianity? - 10/12/2023 Israel and Gaza Pt 2 - 10/14/2023 Sidney Powell/Christian News - 10/23/2023 Jenna Ellis and Christianity - 10/26/2023 Cults: November 18, 1978 - 11/14/2023 Gods Born on December 25 - 12/2/2023 AntiSemitism and Universities - 12/5/2023 Satanic Display and Christians - 12/15/2023 Pope and Same Sex Couples - 12/18/2023 Vatican Document: Same Sex - 12/18/2023 Trump is Disqualified - 12/19/2023 Sirius XM App - 12/24/2023 Movie: Leave the World Behind - 12/26/2023 Trump Messianic Video - 1/5/2024 Humans Will Soon Worship AI - 1/25/2024 I Will Never Forgive You! - 2/2/2024 Bunkers and the Bible - 2/13/2024 Washing Feet Controversy - 2/17/2024 Biden Cancels $1.2 Billion - 2/22/2024 Russia’s Invasion and God - 2/23/2024 Abortion: Constitutional Right - 3/4/2024 Man Hits Person With Bible - 4/5/2024 Trump Is Guilty! - 5/31/2024 Earliest Record of Jesus - 6/12/2024 Ten Commandments in Schools - 6/20/2024 Gen Z - 6/26/2024 ChurchOne App Update - 7/9/2024 Olympics: The Last Supper? - 7/29/2024 Olympics: Male vs Female? - 8/2/2024 Eating Dogs and Idolatry - 9/11/2024 The Trump Bible and China - 10/9/2024 Trump Wins! - 11/6/2024 A Six Million Dollar Banana - 11/22/2024 Christmas: 5 Killed - 12/21/2024 Theology Central Study Bible - 12/21/2024 Theology Central Bible Update - 1/5/2025 Mountain Meadows Massacre - 1/10/2025 Trump and Justice - 1/21/2025 Trump vs A Sermon - 1/27/2025 Trump and Gaza - 2/5/2025
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