This Psalm, the 23rd Psalm, has been a source of comfort for believers down through many generations. It has revealed that the Lord Jesus Christ is not only the Good Shepherd, but He is the Complete Shepherd, knowing each one of His rescued sheep personally. Well can we say of Him that He is 'my' shepherd. With Him we want for nothing. He leads, guides and encourages us, providing that necessary food by which our souls are restored. Sometimes the path of life may be steep, the way hard, we may toil and experience great trials, but He will sustain us and provide for us.
He is an Ever Present Shepherd, who will never leave us or forsake us. We may become weary, but however extreme our experience may be we may say of Him that "He will always be there for me." We are told that we may "fear no evil", why even at the end of our life, when the last enemy, death, approaches, we may still be assured that He is with us even then. When we are in the valley of that great shadow, may we remember what someone once said, "a shadow is only cast where there is light."
He, the Lord Jesus Christ, is our Sovereign Protector, whose goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, so that we can be assured we, if we believe upon Him, will "dwell in the House of the Lord for ever." |