If we cannot recognize the double standard that exists in our hearts then I have trouble believing that we have been brought to a true understanding of our own sinfulness. We, as humans, are so quick to judge others and yet so slow to judge ourselves and if we don't identify this evil in our hearts we will and are being deceived. The Bible teaches us to first examine ourselves and see the evil in our own hearts before we can even start to look at others (Matt.7:1-5). The longer I evangelize, the more I see that man's fundamental problem is his illegitimate view of himself. Oh, how we are so filled with pride and self-deceit and until a person is brought to realize this, at least to some degree, I don't see how they can be ready to receive the Gospel. The law was given that every mouth would stopped and stand guilty before God (Rom.3:19). Before our mouths are stopped; what are we saying? We are stuck in this constant cycle of self-justification, as we are only dependent upon our contorted view of all that exists in order to determine what is true and in that condition we are setting ourselves up as God. However, when God is revealed to us by His Holy law our twisted view of all that exists is shattered and everything changes. We are humbled and our viewpoint changes from us thinking that we are not as bad as "other people" to hoping that no other person is as evil as I am. I may be doing pretty good in light of others or at least in my view of others, but when we are brought into the presence of the Holy we must fall to our knees and beg for mercy for we have no other plea because our own vile, wretched, hell-deserving hearts have been revealed and our mouths stop and our only hope is The Lord Jesus Christ.