Job 42:6- Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. True repentance is found in an abhorrence of self. We, by nature, are so contrary to God that it ought to sicken us. How can I be so adverse to a being, such as God, that is so good, pure, holy, truthful and benevolent (and the list goes on and on). What vile creatures we are to rebel against God's holy law and to despise the very thing He has given us for our greatest good and if that is such a great offense how much greater of an offense is it that we murdered the Son so God. God, under no obligation and only motivated by His good nature, sent His only beloved Son in order to save sinners and if I was left to myself, without the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, I would have killed Him again if I had the chance and God knowing this still saved me and yet even in my saved state I still, at times, revert back to my sin. Oh, wretched man that I am. The deepest part of hell is too good for such a one as I and even as I write this I sense hypocracy in my heart as I sense the deceitfulness of my own heart.We are are certainly a million times worse than we realize and we will only see it in light of the goodness and holiness of God as He reveals the pride and covetousness in our wicked nature. I thank God through Christ Jesus our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Thank God that Jesus Christ is all and all.