Over the years I have had people ask me what is the best way to effectively share the gospel and I fear that often they were not satisfied with my response. When someone asks me that question I respond with a series of questions and those questions are: How is your prayer life? How much time do you spend in Scripture? Are you taking radical steps to get rid of all sin in your life? I fear that we think that we don't witness because we don' know what to say and I believe we are sadly mistaken. I think it can be dangerous to teach someone what to say to an unbeliever if that person is not truly committed to The Lord Jesus Christ. My brothers and sisters if a person is in fellowship with Jesus Christ you will not be able to restrain them from preaching the gospel. I think we presume way to much and in doing so we settle for a lukewarm Christianity. Oh, fellow saints, to see the glories and perfections of The Lord Jesus Christ and to fellowship with Him will, no, must cause us to preach the gospel. The man who knows the preciousness of Christ will be fighting mad over sin and will be quick to call men to repentance. How can we stand idle knowing that our Lord's blood is being trampled in the streets and His name being continually blasphemed. I do not think we need another evangelistic method or another prescription on how to share the gospel. Please don't get me wrong, I do believe that we ought to study much in order to answer those to whom we preach the gospel. The point that I am making is that our gospel witness must start with our testimony and that causes me to remember a quote fro Roulf Barnard: "If your testimony is from yesterday it is a day late." What he is saying is that the Christian's testimony is a daily experience with Christ Jesus. And by the power of the Holy Spirit through regeneration I see three primary ways to fellowship with Christ. 1- through much prayer. 2- through much Bible reading, memorization, study and meditation. 3- and through self-denial. We must not allow our hearts to ever grow cold toward our precious Savior and our heats will grow cold when we neglect to obey Him and we allow sin to go unchecked. So if you are asking yourself: " Why am I not evangelizing like I should?"don't blame it on a lack of Bible knowledge, but let's first search our hearts and seek The Lord Jesus Christ with all our heart, soul, mind and strength