Pray and Go Gospel Proclamation Ministry exists to assist the saints and churches in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I see a great need for God's people to get out of the church building and go to those who need the gospel. I love assembling with the people of God as much as anybody, but at the same time I believe that a church is primarily judged by what it does outside the building. The time for God's people to storm the gates of hell is now and that is not going to happen with men who are not fit for the task through much prayer and much meditation on Scripture. So few know how to wield the sword because they are too occupied with this world and when I say that I am speaking to myself. I am ashamed at how much discipline I lack and how little I have done for Christ's kingdom. Oh my dear brothers and sisters we need to provoke one another unto good works and to get serious about preaching the gospel. Pray for me as I go to the University of Delaware on Tuesday nights for prayer, evangelism, and Bible study. Myself and one other brother in Christ have been going there for about 3 months and we pray from 5-6 pm then evangelize from 6-7 and then we have been teaching a Bible study from 7-8. There has been one student who has attended all 6 of the studies we have had, as we are going verse by verse through the book of Romans. Pray for him as he seems to be under heavy conviction and said he is crying out for salvation. Pray also as there is a group of us that go to Center City Philadelphia every Saturday to confront people one on one with the gospel, preach in the open air and publicly sing hymns and read scripture. Pray as I am also involved in jail ministry, half-way house ministry and house Bible study ministry. I think we should use every avenue that is available to us to preach the gospel, but I also believe that long term Bible teaching is what people need. People need the gospel taught to them week after week after week and that takes a serious commitment by those who are teaching. Please pray that The Lord of the harvest will raise up laborers