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Don Bell | Crossville, Tennessee
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Lantana Grace Church
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Lantana Grace Chruch bulletin
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November 30, 2014

The God of All Comfort

He is the God of all comfort:
Jesus Christ who loves His own.
Our salvation is of the Lord.
He pleads for us from His throne.
Our warfare, He has accomplished.
All our sins have been pardoned.
In the Lord we are established:
All we needed, He has done.

He is the God of all comfort:
Comforts us in our sorrow.
We miss those asleep in the Lord.
We will meet them 'tomorrow'.
All the dead in Christ shall arise;
So to meet Him in the air.
And together we shall abide
With the Lord in heav'n so fair.

He is the God of all comfort.
He knows that our flesh is weak.
Trust the promises in His word:
That He is able to keep,
He will never, never leave thee,
In Him no condemnation.
He will not lose one of His sheep,
All who are the Lord's chosen.

Holy Manna, #15 Gary Spreacker

Help For A Cold Heart

When we become Christians, it is very natural for us to say to ourselves, “We don’t want to be second - rate, or half - hearted Christians, or prove to be like the Laodicean professors, neither hot or cold, or like those of whom the apostle John wrote, “They went out from us, but they were not of us,” We all said we had a holy ambition to bring forth fruit to the glory of God, to love our Lord much, and manifest that love in every possible act of devotion to Him, but... as the years have gone by, we feel that our hearts and souls are not as tender towards our Saviour as at the first, our zeal is not as hot. Let me tell you one thing that often makes me feel a great tenderness of soul and helps rekindle that love for my Master. It is a sense of His glorious love. If you ever offend a person, and that person, instead of being the least bit angry, lets fall a tear, but says nothing, and you hear later that he has been doing everything for your good, and that the very thing that made you angry was really intended to be a blessing to you, oh, you feel that you can never forgive yourself. To do a wrong thing, is bad at any time. But to do a wrong to one who is so good and kind as God, is infinitely wrong.
Haven't you often asked yourself, “How could I have done this?” I was one of God’s chosen people, he loved me before the foundation of the world, though I did’nt know it. Christ wrote my name on His hands and on His heart, He shed His own blood to redeem me, yet I did’nt know it. I reviled His name, yet He prepared a place for me in Heaven, He had made up His mind that He was going to save me, that His grace would seek me out and that He would make me to know His everlasting love!
To think of the great love wherewith He loved me and gave Himself for me, touches my callous heart and draws it out to Him. It creates anew in me the desire to bring forth fruit to glorify Him, and love Him with all that is within me, to lay all that I am and have at His feet! Pastor

“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to he likeminded one toward another according to (the example) Christ Jesus” (Rom. 15:5). When I have forgiven every wrong against me, when I have overlooked every hard word and thought, when I have patiently endured every trial and comforted every fallen friend, when I have forgotten every slight, slander, and desertion, I still have not endured one fraction of what Christ bore FOR and FROM me. It is much easier to understand and forgive the weaknesses of others when we recognize those same infirmities in ourselves. --Copied

God Uses Evil to Accomplish Good
“Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain” (Acts 2:23). They meant it for evil; but God meant it for good. Satan rebelled against God. He meant it for evil; but God meant if for good. Satan deceived Eve. He meant it for evil; but God meant it for good. Man sinned. He meant it for evil; but God meant it for good. Christ died at the hands of wicked men. They meant it for evil; but God meant it for good to save much people alive.
We have gained more from evil, by the fall of Satan, the fall of man, and the entrance of sin into this world, than we ever could have had evil never been, Satan never fallen, man never fallen, and sin never entered in. Now, by the over ruling, manipulating, sovereign grace, power, purpose, and providence of our God, we have, through much evil, received much good.
“What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?” Strangely enough, according to the infallible wisdom of God, the greatest good depends on the greatest evil! No sin means no salvation, and no salvation means no Savior. A world without Christ I could never imagine. Does that mean we should sin that grace may abound? God forbid!
Only in the hands of God can evil be turned to good. May God be pleased to continually overrule our evil for his glory and the everlasting salvation of our immortal souls. Frank Hall
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Blog Item12/2/14 12:05 PM
kevinmccue | long beach ca.  Contact via emailFind all comments by kevinmccue
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Bro. Don, you said on your message on Predestination "Some people say God makes some for heaven and others for hell, I don't believe that; a man goes to hell for his own sin" Ah.. that doesn't fit with Rom 9 If you have an election for salvation, you of necessity have an election for reprobation. A.W. Pink developed that nicely in his Sovereignty of God chap. 5 We have the example of pharaoh; God raised him up to damn him "that His power and wrath would be known" Pharaoh's sin was the second cause, God's hardening of his heart was the first cause "I have hardened his heart" If God hardens your heart, it's before you're born or had done any good or evil and "shall the thing formed say to him, why have you made me thus?" (either a vessel for glory or destruction) Yes God decrees all things that shall come to pass even the destiny of souls. Hopefully you can incorporate this into your messages to give all the glory to God, for his ways are past finding out. Thank you for your work.

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