Missionary Cody Groover will bring the message to us on Aug. 6th. We will plan to have a time of fellowship following the service.
Pastor Todd Nibert will preach for us on Thursday, Aug 14th. There will be no service on Wednesday Aug 11th.
We will have a pool party Sunday August 3rd from 7-9 p.m. at the pool at Greenbo State Park.
Salvation requires both a work done FOR us and a work done IN us. The blood of the sacrifice must be shed and offered to God AND the blood must be applied to our heart if we are to be saved.
The work done FOR a believer is justification. Justification is a legal term that means sinless and righteous. God declares His elect to be justified by imputing the righteousness of Christ to their account. At Calvary, sin was imputed to Christ who could do no sin, and righteousness was imputed to the elect who could not do anything righteous.
The work done IN a believer is sanctification. Sanctification is being made holy. God makes His elect holy by imparting the righteous nature of Christ to them in the new birth. When a believer is born again, a new man with a new nature is born. That new man is holy because he is made a partaker of the divine nature (II Peter 1:4).
These two works of God’s grace must never be separated. The work of grace done FOR us and the work of grace done IN us are both necessary for salvation. No one is saved until the Lord Jesus Christ changes both their legal standing before God and their nature.
A man who has been introduced to what really happened in the Garden of Eden and what really happened on the cross of Calvary will have no problem with pride and arrogance. He knows WHERE he could be and WHAT he could be apart from the mercy and grace of God!
Pastor Henry Mahan
When knowledge of the truth does not lead us to worship the Lord in love with a sense of awe, it is evidence that our knowledge of the truth has not gone beyond our brains – it has not penetrated our hearts. Divine truth was not given to make us intelligent, but to make us WISE unto true salvation manifested in a heart-felt worship of the God who made us and redeemed us by His Son. It is true there is no getting to the heart without going through the brain; for the heart cannot receive what the brain does not know. But we must strive so that the truth does not get stuck in our brains and go no further. Truth in the brain puffs up with pride; truth in the heart bends the knee to Christ.
Pastor Joe Terrell
Before any sinner can or will come to Christ, he must be born again. Faith is the result, not the cause of the new birth. That faith by which we receive God's salvation in Christ is the gift of God. "Salvation is of the Lord," in its entirety! It is not of works at any time in a believer’s life, God will never be brought into debt by the works of any man, He will never owe a blessing, all is of grace. Faith in Christ is as much the gift and work of God's free grace as election, redemption, and regeneration. If you believe, it is because God has given you faith (Phil. 1:29). You "believe according to the working of his mighty power" (Eph. 1:19). Faith is not the work of the sinner's imaginary "free will". Faith is the gift of God's sovereign grace, the result of God's operation upon the heart. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
Pastor Don Bell
“Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus” (Acts 8:35). It does not matter where you begin in the word of God, the message is a Person. The Bible is the record that God gave, of His Son (1 John 5:10).
Pastor Chris Cunningham