Don Shoemaker continues his slide into apostasy, and wants us to join him for Ash Wednesday along the way. In his March, 2013 newsletter Shoemaker again celebrates the pope as a partner in the Gospel, saying, "he personified the call of Jesus to take up the cross and follow Him... we saw in John Paul the spiritual power of the cross and the Gospel at work emancipating human souls from misery." Coincidentally, Shoemaker invites us to join him in celebrating Ash Wednesday in the same newsletter that he republished his promotion of the pope and his false gospel. Apparently the calling of pope Francis has further warmed Shoemaker's heart toward Catholicism and he can't hold back his growing passion for sacrament, he says, "This year, for the first time in my 45-âyear career as a minister, I planned and observed an Ash Wednesday service."
Shoemaker and the FGBC that gives him a platform from which to promote Catholic heresy desperately need to repent of all things Catholic. What does a fellowship built on the motto of "The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible" have to do with unbiblical Catholic ritual, soul damning sacrament, or Antichrist pope? Next week a billion Catholics will turn out for the observance of Lent and be fed (transubstantiation heresy) a false christ for the justification of sin. Shoemaker is actively aiding soul daming popery, priest craft, and calling evangelicals everywhere (FGBC) to join him and his Catholic friends in his apostasy.
Full article below:
Bible Insight – Ash Wednesday and Lent: “To keep or not to keep?” -Don Shoemaker
“Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes.” – Daniel 9:3
“The word [Jonah's message of judgment] reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.” – Jonah 3:6
Evangelical Christians often shy away from symbolism, but in recent years I’ve trended back to my childhood’s Christian roots where symbols had value in marking features of our spiritual journey and underscoring key spiritual concepts.
This year, for the first time in my 45-âyear career as a minister, I planned and observed an Ash Wednesday service, ashes and all. What’s the symbolism of ashes?
Our mortality (Genesis 18:27; Job 30:19)
Our sorrow over the horrible events in life that may come our way (Esther 4:1,3; Jeremiah 6:26)
Our sense of sin and repentance of it before God (Job 42:6, Matthew 11:21 and the scriptures above—Daniel 9:3 and Jonah 3:6)
Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Season is a time to examine our own lives and make amends and fresh commitments before God. It’s also a time for prayer for the broader failures of humanity and our own nation. And we should also pray for the failures within the company of people of our own faith—never hard to find. This was Daniel’s beautiful prayer (chapter 9).
Wearing ashes on our foreheads can be a form of spiritual show-âoff, but can also be a genuine sign of our hearts humbly open before God. Lent can be a time of “going through the motions” of a religious tradition, or a dedicated time of renewal.
Lent anticipates Easter, resurrection reality. So there is a hope that something will rise from our ashes. The ministry of Jesus is:
to grant to those who mourn in Zion—
to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,
It seems to be all the rage these days for supposedly "prominent Evangelical" leaders to join in with all the pope worshiping going on. Luis Palau, Rick Warren, and Don Shoemaker - all having no problem whatsoever with Catholic heresy.
Mr.Shoemaker closes this article with Is.61:3 - conveniently bypassing the previous verse of "the day of vengeance of our God." Our Lord is one day going to pour out His wrath on ALL who oppose Him...which includes Rome.
The pope and all he stands for is idolatrous in God's eyes (Ex.20:4-6) Rome worship-pope worship-wafer worship (transubstantiation)-Mary worship-sacramental salvation- is ALL contrary to God's Word. Which apostle ever called himself the "vicar of Christ"? Which apostle ever let someone bow down to them, kiss a ring, or their feet? Which apostle ever said anything about salvation through sacraments? Answer-NONE
These "Evangelical leaders" have forgotten that we have a Bible to study because of men like Tyndale and others, who were burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for translating it into English. By affirming the pope and "ash wednesday", Mr.Shoemaker has trampled the Word of God beneath his feet, and shown us all where his allegiance lies - with Rome NOT Christ.