Dear Praying Friends: Ministry Highlights… Missions conference. In July, where we were challenged by a veteran missionary and a new missionary. Westside also held their 2nd Father/Son Banquet on September 3rd where many men and boys came out. The church is having a Faith Promise Sunday on September 11. We are voting on taking on more missionary families this year. Prayer: Praises:
- For our support
- God’s grace and Mercy
- The continual use of our church building
Christopher Eckels & Family
It is finally warming up here in Australia as we are into spring. I want to personally thank everyone for their prayers and support for us in the ministry here in Melbourne. We continue to see visitors come to the church. We also continue to see souls saved.
John was met at the door and was given the Gospel. At first, he made fun but I showed him Revelation 14:11 and he became real serious. My soulwinning partner was able to lead him to the Lord.
I was able to letterbox 200 homes in a new area down the street form us with a booklet on Jesus Christ.
The church was busy with our 2nd
A building needed! We have been praying about our own building as we have almost all the space used on Sunday. We would like to start children’s ministries but do not have the facilities yet.
We have had some great days at Westside but also sad days as many visitors do not come back, and one family that had been coming for a few months and has children the same ages as our children have left to New Zealand for a year
Country Highlights…
The country continues to struggle under the present leadership. The Aussie Dollar has soared past the American Dollar. This is causing a financial strain on companies here causing many layoffs. The housing market continues to be floated and bloated. A three bedroom house with no property has hit the $400,00 mark. Australia is now one of the most expensive places to live. A small three bedroom abandoned house close to the city with no land just sold for one million dollars. Rent is about $1500-$1600 a month (about $2000 U.S Dollars). Instead of being honest about the economy, the government floats it to make it look good, giving the illusion that Australia has not been affected by the housing credit problem that has affected the rest of the world.
Family Highlights…
School and music exams are upon us as the children finish up the school year. God continues to bless our health. Except for colds and coughs, we remain pretty healthy. We are looking at an early 2013 furlough. Please pray for a family that would help watch the church. There is one family that is praying about helping us.
Again, thank you for all your prayers and support for us. PRESSING ON!!!!
- Our own building
- Present Government
- A furlough
- Fruit that remains