Here is an update for all those that are not on facebook. We were able to pass out 127,000+ J/R's in 7days. Thursday was the beginning of a 4 day weekend, celebrating there Indepence Day. But on Friday night the LORD brought out a multitude of people. We passed out 558 Bibles and 146 people marked on their follow up card that they prayed and trusted Christ. Thank you to all who prayed for the 7 Hills Campaign and the souls here. We have many more details and stories to tell of things that happened, but we will fill in the details later.
The main group leaves for the States in the morning, Don, Ken and I are here for another week to start making preperations for next years Campaign in Bulgaria. We will be going to Varna and Burgas. We also will be back in Plovdiv Friday night for the first follow up Bible Study.
Thank you again, for YOUR prayers!!
Larry & Cheryl and all the Couriers for Christ group