Why Do We Attend Church?
Multitudes attend church services all over the world, many go because it is a habit, others go believing it will save them.
Many go because it makes them feel better about themselves, like the Pharisee who “thanked God he wasn’t as other men”.
But why do we, you and I, attend? What are our reasons for being here today?
1- We are here to hear the Gospel of the free grace of God in Christ, not just to hear preaching that has no substance to it.
2-We come to worship God, to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. Unbelievers cannot worship, they don’t know Christ nor God. They can come and listen, but cannot worship.
3- We attend because we have a need, we need Christ, to hear of Him. We have a hunger and a thirst and only the gospel of Christ can satisfy us.
4-We also attend to support and be an encouragement to other believers, and we need the support and encouragement of our brethren.
May God makes us one who would not discourage or hinder anyone who comes to hear the gospel.
- Pastor
Walking by Sight, Not by Faith
2 Cor. 5:7
I quoted this verse backwards to what it actually says, “We walk by faith, not by sight”.
Why I put this verse this way is because we sometimes walk by sight and not faith. We are often overwhelmed by life, things pile one upon another, and we LOOK at these troubles instead of the God who sent them.
When we walk by sight all we see is vanity, and vexation. We get depressed, discouraged, despondent, anxious and often angry.
What do we do when we are in this state? I’ll tell you what we do; we begin to call on our Lord Jesus, and God our Father for forgiveness for being this way. We call on him for strength, grace, and mercy. We plead for guidance and wisdom to live to his glory, and to quit looking at our circumstances and instead LOOK to the God of our circumstances. May our Lord enable us to “walk by faith, not sight”.
I need thee oh I need thee
Every hour I need thee
Oh bless me now my Savior
I come to thee
- Pastor
~~~ O ~~~
We look not for a perfect church this side of Heaven. It is better to sit beside the hypocrite in church than to suffer with him eternally
- Henry Mahan
The Garments of Salvation
There standing before God's throne,
His chosen bride in white,
Their garments are salvation,
Their robes the Righteous Christ,
Their clothing is fine linen
Embroidered in wrought gold,
They are of ev'ry nation.
His Sov'reign grace foretold.
May we be found in Jesus,
His righteousness, His faith.
In righteousness not our own,
But that of God by faith.
Rejoicing greatly in Him,
The Lamb upon His throne,
With garments of salvation
He provided His own.
The Lord of Glory chose some
To call to Him in love.
He gave His Son, Christ Jesus
To shed for them His blood.
He, made to be sin for them,
His righteousness assured.
This garment of salvation
Is Jesus Christ, the Lord.
What grace to put on Jesus
And stand in Him complete.
Our loins are girded with truth
He our righteous breastplate.
With feet shod with the gospel,
The shield of faith we take.
Our helmet is salvation.
His word we do partake
By Gary Spreacker
(Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation” #186)