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Fellowship Dinner today. No Service tonight.
Call to Worship
The Lord of glory, moved by love,
Descends, in mercy, from above;
And He, before whom angels bow,
Is found a man of grief below.
Such love is great, too great for thought,
Its length and breadth in vain are sought;
No tongue can tell its depth and height;
The love of Christ is infinite.
But though His love no measure knows,
The Saviour to His people shows
Enough to give them joy, when known,
Enough to make their hearts His own.
Constrained by this, they walk with Him,
His love their most delightful theme;
To glorify Him here, their aim,
Their hope, in Heaven to praise His name.
(Thomas Kelly - 1809)
(Tune: "When I Survey")
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. -John 10.10
One of Satan’s tricks to deceive people is to change the way the gospel is described. Such changes may seem innocent at first, but in time, the deadly poison is revealed for what it is, but only after much damage has been done. One example in our day is the use of such phrases as “You need Christ in your life,” or, “I asked Christ into my life.” At first glance, such a phrase may seem very good; but in truth, it is based on Christ-dishonoring and man-exalting thoughts.
First, such sayings are based on the idea that Christ is not already in a person’s life. Whatever your life is like, it is that way precisely because Christ is in it. Whether or not a man acknowledges it, Christ is ruling his life. He was in Ishmael’s life and much as Isaac’s, Esau’s as Jacob’s and Pharaoh’s as much as Moses’.
Second, such sayings imply that a man has a life before Christ gives him one, and the appearance of Christ serves only to make the life better. In my teens, one of my cousins came to spend a couple of days. We tried making pancakes. The first batch was an utter failure for we forgot to add the baking soda. We made certain to add some to the second batch and all was well. Many perceive that their lives are like that pancake batter, merely missing an ingredient necessary to be happy and productive, and they think that missing ingredient in Christ.
But Christ says that He came that His sheep might have life – a life they did not have beforehand. He did not come merely to improve the life they already had but to give them another life altogether.
A sinner does not need Christ in the life he already has; he needs a life he does not presently possess. He does not need Christ in his natural life; he needs Christ and the eternal, spiritual life He gives! He does not need Christ added to his life, he needs Christ Who IS our life!
So do not fall for this modern version of feel-good religion which makes salvation nothing more than an improved version of this walking death we call life. Be satisfied only with that New Life that Christ brings!
-Pastor Joe Terrell
Let me encourage you to come join with us in our Worship Services. Everything possible has been done to make our assemblies as comfortable and convenient as possible. I know that work schedules hinder many from coming every time we meet, and I have constantly encouraged you to come when you can and to be comfortable when you cannot. But do not confuse comfort with complacency.
Some feel alone and abandoned by the church, left out of the activities, and do not feel comfortable in the inner workings of the church. Usually these have first left off the assembling of themselves together.
If we are to grow spiritually, we must feed spiritually. We must prepare ourselves to come together. Sunday worship is prepared for on Saturday. Take time to rest; take time to pray for the meeting before you come. I believe you will find yourself better fitted for worship.
- Pastor Milton Howard
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True mourning for sin has a distinct and constant reference to the Lord Jesus. If I hate sin because I am exposed, I have not repented; I merely regret that I have been found out. If I hate sin because of judgment and hell, I have not repented; I merely regret that God is just. But if I see sin as a hateful offense against my Lord, and I see my sin as crucifying Him, then I mourn with a truly broken and repentant heart (Psalm 51:3-4). True mourning is a great bitterness, as one mourns the death of his firstborn (Zach 12: 10.) Someone said…‘Lord, let me weep for naught but sin; And after none but Thee; Then I would (Oh, that I might!); A constant weeper be!’ A broken heart over sin is a work of the Spirit of God and will be healed (Psalm 51:17; 34:18).