God is the great Giver. Everything good comes down (James 1:17) from the Father of lights. His eternal decree of love and grace toward His people came down from His sovereign throne to be declared in this world and to govern the affairs of men. His only begotten, beloved Son came down into this world to save those sinners, of whom I am chief (1Tim 1:15). When Christ left this world He said He would send the Holy Spirit to show us the things of Himself, and He has (John 16:7-14). When the Lord Jesus ascended on high, He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men (Eph 4:8); men who preach the gospel of Christ to sinners. He gives all good gifts, both temporal and eternal. Psalm 145:16 Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
Who has ever first given anything to God? Honestly now, have you ever done anything for God? When you worship Him, you who know Him, is that you doing something for God, or Him doing something for you? When you support His Gospel, if you do, is that you giving Him something, or Him giving you something (1Chronicles 29:14)? When you pray, Who is the Benefactor and who the beneficiary? If you are enabled to render any service unto Him, of any kind, who has been blessed, and Who has done the blessing? We must all sing together, or be guilty of the grossest lie and ingratitude, “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.”
- Pastor Chris Cunningham
Judge not Christ's love by providence but by promises. Bless God for shaking off false foundations; bless Him for any way whereby He keeps the soul awakened and looking after Christ. Better sickness and temptation, than security and superficiality.
- Thomas Wilcox
Do you believe on the Son of God?
If you trust Christ as your Lord and Savior, your faith in Him is the fruit and evidence of His grace bestowed upon you and wrought in you. Faith is the empty hand that receives God’s salvation, not the mighty arm that performs it. Faith in Christ is the result of eternal life bestowed, not the cause of life
- Pastor Don Fortner
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God's grace can save souls without any preaching: but all the preaching in the world cannot save souls without God's grace.
- Benjamin Beddome
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Nobody rides to heaven on a feather bed. Grace has made a road to heaven for sinners, but it does not suit sluggards. Those who reach the Celestial City are pilgrims and not lie-a-beds. Neglect is a sure way to hell; but we must strive to enter in at the straight gate, and so run that we may obtain. If you let your farm alone it will be overrun with weeds, and if your heart be let alone it will be eaten up with sins. Nothing comes of sloth but rags and poverty here, and damnation hereafter.
- C.H. Spurgeon
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Believers know the life-giving power of the Word, for they can say, "Thy word hath quickened me"; and its life-sustaining power, for they live "by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"; and its power against sin, for they can say, "Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
- Unknown