You may be surprised at the question, but many seem to believe in a Sovereign Grace that's not Gods at all but mans. So you may be surprised at the answer.
In the begining in Genesis we read man became a living soul, God breathed into man and he became alive, he once had no life, nothing, he now became capable of not just breathing but spiritual life, he has a soul. This soul/man communes with God daily as they walked in the garden, it tells us in Genesis, together in the cool of the day they had fellowship.
This wonderful fellowship was broken by the man and woman sinning. We know part of the punishment was death, not only physical for they would now not live for ever, but spiritual death there fellowship with God was now seperated by their sin. In Genesis it tells us that they ran from God and tried to hide from their sin.
Man seeks not God, that is clear, they should have ran to God pleading for forgiveness. In the Psalms and Romans it tells us no one seeks God, no, not one.
So the first point of Gods Sovereign Grace is man never seeks God, in fact in Ephesians chp 2 we are told 'all mankind rebels against Him' and has no interest in Him or His will. God comes to man, He seeks Adam and Eve in the garden. Mankind then would never seek Salvation, forgiveness, Repentance, Mercy, or help for he is dead spiritually (Eph chp 2) dead in sin and only Gods Holy Spirit quickening the soul back to life (by Grace are you saved. Ephesians 2 v. 5) making them a new creature, being Born again. Not of the will of man or of the flesh but the will of God.
Sovereign Grace of God alone making them alive, bringing them to Repentance and Faith, man did not will it he could do nothing, he was dead, through regeneration of Gods Spirit the person is given the gift of faith and repentance. His workmenship Eph.chpt 2.v 8-11.It does not say God and mans ! workmenship.God comes to Adam and Eve with the promsie of Salvation through His son The Seed(Gen). Gods plan from the start not mans,Christ we are told died for the Elect before world created, in that sence we were justified before birth while we were yet sinners(Rom 5) before any repentence or faith our sins were placed on Christ.Atonement was made.And not because God sor any good in us but just becuase we were sinners He loved us and through Sovereign Grace and mercy He saved us-God says Apostle Paul commendeth His love towards us in that way(Rom 5 v 8) chosing us while sinners, while vile, while no good in us spriritualy and recconciling us,what amazing love and Grace !!lets not take that show of love and Glory from God...all of Electing Grace. No we dont sin because of this but put to death the deeds of the flesh ,yes dead to old self-sin leaving the old man on the crossRom 6 Not proudly saying something somewhere in the old self was good enough to be saved.