Greetings in Jesus' Name from Naples, Italy The Holidays are over for 2010, and I hope you all had an especially wonderful Christmas that celebrated Our Lord's birth 2000 years ago. I want to thank each and every one of you who sent us special gifts for Christmas. Those gifts allowed us to be a blessing to a missionary in the Philippines (who came out of our ministry on Okinawa), as well as to help send out a missionary to Ghana. There is one gift that is sent every year from a church in Connecticut that is specifically for Linda, and I thank you for it, as it makes her feel so special. Truly there are several folks and churches that make the two of us feel special, and I know that it's because you love the Lord - Hebrews 6:10 applies here.
This ministry in Naples that The Lord has brought us to is certainly beginning to grow. God Bless you folks that have been faithful to keep us here on the mission field. There were good services for Sunday morning. We set a record since Linda and I have been here in Italy. The count was 34 present, and that was with our Pianist and several others out sick. Of course, the afternoon service "Preaching To Africa" was also held at 1400. Bonsu - our lay preacher - has been holding that service regularly, which is aimed at our African refugees. It is our church's intention to send Bonsu to Ghana in a couple months, just like the church at Antioch sent out the Apostle Paul on his first missionary journey! I think that great things are in store for this church, and these folks here at the Bible Baptist Church of Naples - there is a definite excitement.
Praise The Lord, the evening service also went well. There was a good attendance for this service too, and a newly arriving Navy couple united with the church to top it off. I finished up a one study, and answered a question from our African Refugee contingent, "what is required for Church Membership?" that was asked and needed some more in-depth explanation. It was just a very upbeat service and day!
Like many things, there's bad as well as good, and the evening service had some not so good parts too. After the service most of the Americans went just up the street to a neighboring restaurant as was requested by Rebekah, our 11 year old birthday girl today. Since it's only just up the street we all left our vehicles parked in the front of the church. Upon returning after the meal, 5 of the 6 vehicles had been broken into. They were rifled for Gas Coupons, which the American military are issued to augment the high price of gas here in Italy. Furthermore, several GPS were stolen in addition to other things. Personally, my own GPS was stolen, and my briefcase which included 200 Euro ($270) in an envelope to pay for the church electric, as well as all my notes, and my Preaching Bible that Linda gave me many years ago. I'd appreciate the return of my Bible, everything else is just stuff, including repair of the car window. From five cars, I believe the perpetrators got quite a haul. We pray for The Lord's perfect will to be done, and I'd especially like my Bible back!
Just Saturday, one of the papers arrived from our landlord (hopefully the second to last) that we need to get Linda fully and legally registered here in Italy Now it's just going to take an ordeal at the city office, and a final trip to the Questura (immigration office). And then, I will start mine all over again in February.
One final prayer request= I would appreciate everyone's prayers for my son, Corporal Joshua Truitt (USMC) who will be deploying around Friday, 21 January, to Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
Thank you all, both supporting churches, and individuals who regularly have a part in this ministry, and for the extra special Christmas gifts that came in; my, what a special blessing!
In Christ's Service,
Chuck and Linda Truitt