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Patton Prayer Update
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
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Dear Praying Friends:

Once again, thank you so much for your prayer support!

Andoe Kampoe: Liz and I went to Andoe Kampoe on Saturday. Liz spent some time going over lesson materials with Zr. Mowka, our contact there. We were really encouraged that she had started meeting with about 6 ladies on Thursday afternoons. Liz had made copies of some simple Bible lessons and gone over them with her. Mowka has been meeting with the ladies, explaining the lessons, and then having prayer with them. She asked if Liz and I could go this week and occasionally on Thursday afternoons. They meet at the back of her house under a bit of zinc roofing in case it rains. So with the blessing of Kalow Palata, the pastor, we will go. We also gave a short lesson to three teenage girls (13, 17 & 19 years old), and presented salvation to another lady who the Lord had wonderfully prepared. She understood and received the Lord.

Zr. Mowka lives on a very borderline income with two teenage girls at home. She had 100 Suriname dollars (about $30) left from Christmas, which is a lot for her, and needed for food and other expenses. However, after praying about it, she used the money to rent a bus and brought a total of 17 persons to the main church service yesterday. Andoe Kampoe is about 45 minutes ride from the church. They loved it! I was pleased to see our people greet them with enthusiasm. One lady was so pleased that she made a meal and sent it to Zr. Mowka as a thank you.

We want the people in the camp to learn to accept some financial responsibility. We are taking offerings at our service there every other week. They may also take a small offering on their Thursday meetings. Kalow Palata suggested that they pool their offerings to hire a bus the weeks that we are not there, and come to the church. We will see what happens.

A helpful sermon insight: This week I preached at Winti Wai in the morning and at the main church for the evening service. In praying about what to preach, the Lord indicated that I should look at the building of the tabernacle to show how He provides to build His church. In Exodus 3, as He is challenging and commissioning Moses at the burning bush, the Lord indicates that the departing slaves were to ask the Egyptians for items like gold, silver, precious stones, and other things. They indeed did this, and it states that the Lord worked in the hearts of the Egyptians to give them various items. Next, we find them in the wilderness, where there is little other than stones and sand, with the Lord providing water and manna. Moses goes up the mountain 40 days, and during that time, he is instructed in great detail about building the tabernacle precisely as God showed him. (In fact, the building of the tabernacle dominates the last 15 chapters of Exodus). For the first time, Moses knows what the building is to be like. Then Moses is given special helpers (Bezaleel & Oholiab) with the knowledge of how to work with materials, and is commanded to build the tabernacle. It is to be built entirely on free-will offerings of the people. We know that they cannot find the many materials required there in the wilderness. Where did they get all the expensive items needed? From the things given by their enemies, the Egyptians.

This was a big encouragement to me. Again, I am reminded that the Lord knows what is needed for the church to be built, and Jesus said that He would build His church, and that the gates of hell would not be able to stop that church from being built. I realize that the Lord knows only to well when we will lose people, have people get sick, have economic problems, etc. However, He promises that He will do His work in His way and in His time. I just want to be “in on the action” and work in His strength and wisdom, and not my own.

Special prayer requests for the next week:

  1. The Sunny Point Building project has hit a major snag. I do not feel free to go into details, but request your prayers that we will see the work go forward and the Lord be glorified.
  2. Kalow Palata was attacked and injured by fellow soldiers who did not appreciate his Christian witness nearly 30 years ago leaving him permanently injured. He had two back surgeries, after which the neurosurgeon said that he could do no more. For years, the soldiers were never punished (and are still not punished, and he has no desire for that to happen), but also the government ignored their responsibility to care for his injury and to recompense him for loss of time and ability to work. About 2 years ago he received partial compensation. Tomorrow, the judge is to complete the compensation for damages. We are praying that this will be sufficient for (a) Gwatoes to get a prosthesis (his 20 year old son that was injured in an accident last year resulting in the amputation of his right arm), (b) funds would be sufficient to help set up long term work so that the family would be able to have funds for living, and c. there is a special project both of us are praying to have funds to complete that would be very helpful for the church.

Please continue to pray for

  1. Our spiritual growth
  2. Our health and strength
  3. Wisdom in the work here
  4. Safety in driving
  5. Independence for the four churches
  6. Andoe Kampoe
  7. Our literature ministry, including Bibles, New Testaments, commentaries, etc.

In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname

Category:  Pattons in Suriname

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