Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying each week for us.
Andoe Kampoe: Liz and I had a very good soulwinning time yesterday. Zr. Mowka took us to four different places, if I remember correctly. In three of them, we had seen the ladies come to church at Andoe Kampoe and also at the main church - and each had heard salvation preached. But in each case, when I asked if they had personally received the Lord, they answered no. It was our joy to show them clearly how to get saved, and to see them take that step of faith. In one home, an adult brother also listened very carefully and promised to come to church and make the step of faith. However, he went away from the camp today. Once again, this demonstrates how helpful direct one-on-one soulwinning can be.
The attendance and service at Andoe Kampoe was better than our last time. Although it had been three weeks since we were there, we had an attendance between 40-45, with seven adult women and one teenage girl. The rest were 5 of us from the main church, and a wide variety of young children. Kalow did a very good job of preaching despite the distractions and talking. It is pretty much a raw unsaved group who are not accustomed to sitting quietly. Next time, in two weeks, the challenge will be for myself. It resembles how we began at Sunny Point. We are praying for some men and some teenagers. Please pray for Andoe Kampoe.
An unusual opportunity: Four men from one family drive buses for the churches. All four are Muslim. I had talked with H. in some detail a while back, but not recently. He stopped by to ask me to go with him to get a check from the church cashed (I had to be physically present). As we came back, he began asking questions about end times, and then we were able to move into the question of trusting Christ for salvation. He had a number of questions including many misconceptions that Muslims have about Christian beliefs. Fortunately, I had just taught on World Religion and was upgrading it when I returned, so much of the information was fresh in my head. We had an hour-long conversation, and I think that he has a somewhat clearer idea about Christian beliefs, and also that he must deal with the sin question in his own life. Please join me in prayer for his salvation.
Distribution of New Testaments: I received great news from our Bible distributor Steve Guiamo. We have been offering New Testaments to different groups. The Evangelical Broeders Gemeente recently took about 500 New Testaments to distribute to the older classes in their schools in the interior. This week, the Roman Catholic church asked for 1300; I was thrilled! We also had a request from a Bible Book Store for some (I believe it is the one that at first blackballed out Bibles) - and another 150 to go to prisoners held near Guyana in Nickerie, as well as some other requests. We are delighted to send the New Testaments, which were donated by Bearing Precious Seed, to various organizations. We trust that the Word will impact many lives.
Other prayer items: For those who prayed for a meeting we had this week, many thanks. We are praying for more effectiveness and unity in the leadership of the main church. Also, we are praying as the Sunny Point building project should resume building - the roof - tomorrow. We still lack considerable funds for completion, but trust the Lord for them in His time.
We did have a good meeting in Moengo concerning our mission work over the last year. We always thank the Lord for safety on the road as well.
We would appreciate your prayers for us as we work on the speaking schedule for the fall for our usual three month mini-furlough. I know that I will be speaking in three colleges and a conference, and am working on the remainder of the schedule now.
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Our spiritual growth
- Safety on the road
- Independence of the churches
- Andoe Kampoe
- Sunny Point building project and necessary funds for completion
- Souls saved and built up in the faith
- Unity and growth in the main church
- Arrival of more whole Bibles this spring
- Arrival of New Testament Commentary this spring
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton