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Andoe Kampoe (I found that it is Andoe, not Androe): Yesterday Liz and I went to the camp to speak to a number of young ladies about salvation. Zr. Mowka has been working with them for a number of weeks, and so I had a chance to go over salvation in great detail. A number of years ago, a good friend of ours, Don Keller (now missionary with Abundant Grace Mission to the fairs of the USA) had made copies of two Sranantongo booklets which he had blown up to around 11 x 18 inches or so, and then put in plastic with two ring binders. He then gave us 3 copies and two collapsable tripods that are easy to carry. This was an ideal situation, and so I went over the booklet, which is Disi Ben de Joe Libi (This was your life). I followed up with a special page illustration of the way to heaven or hell, and after 45 minutes, all 12 prayed to receive the Lord. I am pretty certain most understood. We prefer to go over things individual by individual rather than in a group, but in this situation, it seemed best to do so. We will go back to the girls individually and talk with them personally starting this week.
Later in the week, Kalow Palata delivered 10 six foot benches and a small pulpit to the area. Today we arrived around 4:30 with a couple extra people with us. At 5:00 (the official beginnng time) there was only a handful of people. They began strolling in about 5:20 and we finally started just before 5:30. We sang for about 25 minutes or so, and then Kalow preached a salvation message. By six pm, we had somewhere between 70-80 persons, the majority children as expected. We had one adult man, one teenage young man, perhaps 5-7 women, mostly young, and perhaps 10 or so teenage girls. It was pretty typical of a new church starting with totally unchurches people. There was a significant amount of chaos. A number of babies cried, and one screamed. Children talked to each other, and occasionally the ladies talked a bit too. Kalow did a good job of holding their attention. He presented salvation clearly. We asked any who were not yet saved to speak to us after the service (calling them forward in this situation does not work). I don't know if anyone actually spoke to one of us; I don't think so. In our churches here, what has been the most effective manner is to have visitors come to the front after the service. We have trained workers who will provide them with a New Testament as a gift and go over salvation clearly with them personally. As the new area solidifies, we will be able to be more effective in personally dealing with people after the service. It is also complicated by the fact that virtually all the people are Saramaccan, and are more comfortable in Saramaccan, although most all of them understand Sranantongo.
All things being considered, I was satisfied with the first service. This weekend Liz and I will join Zr. Mowka in starting to deal with individuals. Liz will also be helping Zr. Mowka begin to work with teenage girls. She will also be taking our Bible Institute by correspondence. We would appreciate your continued prayers on our behalf. Please pray especially as I will be in line to preach this week.
The rest of last week was pretty much our usual schedule except for Friday night. We showed a Christian film "Beyond the Sun" to the youth group of the main church. It is a portrayal of the life of a very successful young Arab who was recently saved as he returned home hoping to witness to his family in the Middle East. Once again, we see the problems that face those under persecution. We had a brief but profitable discussion with the teenagers after the film. We hope to use both films on persecution in our other church ministries as well.
Prayer requests:
Continued health and strength for the work
Our spiritual growth
Safety driving
Souls saved and discipled
The Lord's direction for Andoe Kampoe. Please pray for souls saved, stability and growth, and particularly for some men who want to serve the Lord
Independence of the churches. Paperwork for Jowjowstraat Kerki should be submitted to the government this week
The church building for Sunny Point - funds and work to be completed