Hello from Kenya,
I appreciate all who were praying for our work permit to be approved. As I mentioned in my last update it had expired while we were on furlough and we were waiting for the renewal to be issued. I was finally able to get it officially stamped into my passport last week. Our work permit is the single most important document given to us be the Kenyan government as it allows us to legally live in Kenya. Now that our work permit has been officially approved we can get about doing some things that have been delayed while waiting for approval.
One thing I have not been able to do is leave Kenya and visit our work in Uvira, DR Congo. I have been in constant contact with our men in Congo and the reports I have been receiving are encouraging. The work is now one year old and we have begun to see some growing maturity in the lives of some of the members. It is probable that in the coming months we will be expanding our outreach into other areas of Congo. Lord willing I will be leaving this coming Thursday to spend some time in Congo with our men. One important thing I will be working to do is begin the process of setting something up to begin training people for the Lord's work. I have already been issued the approved VISA from the Congo embassy. I am just waiting for a VISA from Burundi that will allow me to travel through that country. There is much I would like to say about this ministry but will wait until I return and can give a first hand account.
We are happy to report that recently we saw the beginning of a new church in the Nakuru area. The Maranatha Baptist Church of Ngata began holding services last month. This church is being reproduced out of the Habari Njema Baptist Church (Good News Baptist Church). Habari Njema was the first church reproduced out of the Grace Bible Baptist Church. We have tried to teach and practice that it is the job of churches to start churches. I do not desire to start churches nor do I desire credit for starting churches. I desire to see our Kenyan churches start churches and all credit belongs first to God and then to our Kenyan churches. The Grace Bible Baptist Church was able to give them enough money from their missions giving to pay rent on a building for one year along with getting other things done needed for the new church plant. Pastor Peter Kiarie is doing a great job at Habari Njema and it is exciting to see them grow in the Lord.
I have spent the last couple of weeks preparing for our upcoming session of the Bible College that will meet in August. There is always a tremendous amount to do in preparation for the 100+ students who attend our classes. I will be teaching some new classes this term and I always enjoy the study time that goes along with preparing to teach new classes. I am excited to hear about some new students planning to begin attending this term.
I spent a day out in the villages this week visiting a couple of our village churches. It is a good four hour drive to where these churches meet but I always enjoy my time with them and always leave with an appreciation of their love and dedication to the Lord. I had a good time visiting with some of our college students and was blessed particularly by Fred Kumbuni and his family. Fred is 21 yrs. and has been a student in the college for about a year. His grandfather told me how he sold one of his cows so that his grandson would have the money for transportation back and forth from the college. He said it is important for my grandson to know the Bible so that he can properly teach it to his family. This was a great sacrifice for this family and very humbling for me to hear.
We recently had a visit from Pastor Jim Preston of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, Moreno Valley California. Pastor Preston visited along with a couple men from his church. We kept Pastor Preston busy preaching at various places and his men helped with some construction projects. Our people enjoy visitors and many commented how much they enjoyed Pastor Preston's preaching. Kenya is a great place to visit and we always look forward to the possibilities of visitors.
Please keep my trip to Congo in prayer. I will be traveling by bus through Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and finally to Congo. It is a rough, hazardous and long trip. Also pray for Wendy and the kids while I am gone. Much of the time I will not be able to remain in close contact.
Thank you for your prayers,
His for Kenya,
Robert Mickey Jr. and family
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