Dear Praying Friends:Thanks for your continued prayers. I had hoped to have definitive information about our progress in completing the independence of the churches. But as we met as leadership together twice this week, it is apparent that there are still some major issues in two of the churches - the main church and Efraimzegen - which need to be ironed out so that we can have true unity at the leadership level. We would greatly appreciate your prayers. Our progress is slower than I had expected, but we are praying that some longstanding problems will be solved.
In fact, we are planning to have a week of meetings for prayer and preaching for the church and the leadership to see unity and spiritual power come in the church. The meetings will begin on this coming Sunday morning, and we will actually have a night of prayer preceding them.
Opportunities for the gospel: Friday early afternoon I had the privelege of giving my salvation testimony at the weekly chapel service at the International Academy of Suriname, where Lynn Champlin is in charge of their Bible programs. I was apprehensive to speak to junior and senior high students from many races and backgrounds, with a number unsaved. However, I was able to explain my early life and how I came to get saved, and explain briefly how anyone can accept the Lord. It seemed that the program went very well.
Friday evening we concluded the last service for one of our older men who died about 6 weeks ago. A number of the family are saved; a number are not. Kalow Palata preached a very clear salvation message which would be almost impossible to misunderstand. I was very pleased. We did not see any direct decision at that moment, but I am praying that there will be fruit that remains.
I also had three good talks Saturday with one family. The first man's situation is interesting. About 20 years ago, we held some of our church services under the porch of the house where the man was living as a somewhat rebellious son. He had made a profession and was baptized as one of our first converts, but soon was not living for the Lord. He got in trouble with the police and was shot while running away from them. Two bullets entered his back; one partially severed nerves to his left leg, and the other penetrated his liver. He nearly bled to death. Kalow Palata and I visited him in the hospital and again he made a profession. He survived, but again drifted back into a life apart from God.
Recently his wife and children began to come to church - the wife seems definitely saved. When I spoke to the man in detail, he felt that he had not been sincere in his profession years ago, and made a profession now. We pray that he is indeed sincere. His father-in-law grasped what I was saying, but has not yet decided to follow Christ. I also spoke to a relative who asked me to pray to bless him. I showed him that the true blessing comes from the Lord, and he too needed to be saved. We pray that both will come to the Lord.
Sunny Point: The Sunny Point church has officially been a part of the Efraimzegen church since it began. Saturday the leadership decided that the church can become an independent church. We will be officially installing Kenneth Domini as their pastor on February 7th, at which time we will celebrate their 7th anniversary. I will preach that day.
To my surprise, a college classmate wrote about our work for our college alumni review and mentioned what we were doing for Sunny Point. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of his note.
- Strength and health for the work here
- Our spiritual growth and walking in the Spirit
- Safety driving, etc.
- Independence of the four churches
- Unity in the leadership and members of the churches
- Continued blessing in the Bible Institutes, radio & TV ministries
- Sunny Point building project
- Our schedule during mini-furlough in the USA
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname