It was a great service: Last Sunday morning, two older couples (in their 50's) exchanged vows in the church. They had been married the cultural way for years. One couple also married officially through the government 10 years ago; the second married last year. Neither had had a church ceremony. The sermon by Eduard Akoeba was excellent. He contrasted the government wedding, which is basically a mutual agreement, with the promise before the church, which makes a lifelong commitment asking the Lord's help. He made it very clear that the Lord does not want divorce. After the sermon, we called the couples before the congregation. Each couple exchanged vows and rings. We concluded the service by having the entire congregation come forward and congratulate both couples. We hope that other older couples who are married the cultural way will follow suit in days to come.
We also had two women dedicate their children, so it was a busy service. In the evening, Liz and I went to Winti Wai, where I preached.
Progress on the statutes: We did have a successful meeting last Saturday. Most of the details of the statutes were finished, but we still have to work out those who will be listed officially as preachers and deacons and their positions in the leadership as required by the government forms. We will have another meeting next week (the chairman has been in Holland for the last week as part of his government job).
There has been much discussion about the leadership of the main church, especially as I have asked to step down as senior pastor. All seem agreed that turning things over is appropriate, and that it is good that Liz and I are still here in Suriname to help the turnover go well. But there are many details needing to be ironed out, and we covet your prayers. Some issues are being dealt with that have festered a long time.
Another answer to prayer: For those who prayed about a discipline situation, thank you so much. Two of us met with family and had a most profitable discussion. We are making real progress and pray that the individual involved will grow spiritually, and that we will see real unity in the church.
Good news re Sunny Point Land Project: We received a gift of $1000.00 as the first offering toward the Sunny Point Land Project. I look at it as a strong indication of the Lord's hand in moving ahead at this time.
A busy schedule this week: We hope to have two meetings - one over the composition and direction of the leadership of the main church on Thursday and the second over Sunny Point on Saturday. At the present time, Sunny Point is officially under Efraimzegen, but we are wanting to make them independent and officially ordain their own pastor.
Also on Friday, we are planning a final service concerning the death of a member buried about six weeks ago. At the family's request, they do not want another service at six months, which is traditional - so this will finish what we need to do as a church.
Praise items:
A good church service for the two couples married by the government but without a church service until this time
The first gift of $1000.00 toward the Sunny Point project
News that printing the New Testament Commentary may begin next month
Prayer requests:
As always, health and strength for the work, safety driving, and our spiritual growth
Continued work on independence of the churches
Unity in the church
The church discipline situation to come to a final resolution
Sunny Point - growth in the church and eventual relocation in their own building
I have some open dates on our schedule for our three months in the USA, and would request your prayers that the Lord will fill them.
In Him and Content: Bob & Liz Patton Missionaries to Suriname