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Patton Prayer Update
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
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Dear Praying Friends:

Sunny Point Land Fund: About a decade ago, the government built a large project outside of town on a very broken road at Sunny Point. The houses remained incomplete for several years, and a number of Bush Negroes, desperate for housing, squatted in the unfinished homes. Some had already applied for government housing to no avail. Some wrote threating notes on the outside like "occupied", don't come here, keep away, etc. They gradually finished many of the homes themselves.

The government did not know what to do with 2000 persons without housing, which is difficult to find. They refused to bring in water and electricity to the area. Gradually the road was repaired, and finally some water faucets were brought in, which currently do not work. The people catch rain water off the roofs, and often dig wells to have unclean water which can be used to flush toilets, wash clothes, etc. In the dry season, they have friends bring in water, or occasionally buy water brought in. Some use kerosene lanterns, some solar panels, and a few use generators to provide electricity at night. Naturally they buy food frequently since they lack regular refrigeration.

The area had rampant crime. Notorious criminals hid there. The unsaved niece of one of our families was murdered by her husband while staying in Sunny Point. Drugs are wide open. All sorts of immorality are present.

About 8 years ago, we began a ministry in Sunny Point, and brought some folks to our Efraimzegen church about 20 minutes away. Then nearly seven years ago, we were the first church to open a branch there. One of our faithful ladies living there permitted us to use the back of her house. We put up a lean-to structure about 22 x 35 feet long with wooden poles in a cement base holding the framework up. We later cemented the floor, and put lathes around the outside to keep out dogs and other animals. We brought in a group of old, uncomfortable, but still usable benches from our first church plant. Jonathan Champlin donated a large zinc water container holding about 2000 liters of water, which we catch off the roof when it rains. We put in a small outside toilet with zinc around it, flushing with buckets of water from the outside well, and put in two 20 watt 12 volt battery-operated fluorescent lights. Later the church purchased a small but effective generator for electricity at night.

Last year, the government decided to deed the properties to many of the people there at reduced cost. The lady where we are located has now been able to purchase her home. Electricity is coming into the area, and the dirt roads are improved. However, it is not an ideal situation, and we have been praying for several years for a permanent location for the church. We sought land in the area, but all the government land had been snatched up by people who staked their claims to it.

The church has now located adequate property in a new development area adjacent to Sunny Point (Sunny Point II). It is within walking distance and electricity and water are available. The church has men who can build if land and materials are available. We would like to start a project fund to help. Our goal is to set up a special loan fund as soon as the churches are independent. The fund would be administrated by nationals as soon as we form an association of the independent churches. The loan fund will place responsibilities on the church to eventually repay the funds, and provide future funds for other church projects. If anyone is interested in participating, you could send contributions to our mission labeled Sunny Point Land Fund. Property is expensive and getting more costly. The land will cost 18,000 Euro (about $22,000).

Church update: Last week we baptized 5 persons at the main church and had two babies dedicated the week before. This Sunday, we have two more babies for infant dedication, and we will be having a special service asking the Lord's blessing on two couples who have had government marriages (one a few months ago after salvation, one 10 years ago before salvation). We are hoping to have our statutes approved by the churches before the end of the month. Then the government must process the papers so that each church is recognized by the government as a legal entity.

Special prayer: We have had a difficult discipline situation involving a leader in the church, with ripple effects in several families in the church. We would greatly appreciate your prayers at this time for unity in the church, a clear understanding by all of the issues involved, and true repentance and eventual restoration of the individual.

Prayer requests:

  1. As always, health and strength for the work, safety driving, and our spiritual growth
  2. The services this Sunday - for those involved in the dedications to take their promises seriously, and for God's blessing on the two couples who will exchange vows as they make promises to God.
  3. Unity in the church
  4. The church discipline situation
  5. Sunny Point - growth in the church and eventual relocation in their own building

In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname

Category:  Pattons in Suriname

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