Dear Praying Friends:We are drawing to the close of a great 3 months in the USA. In many ways, this year has been one of the most satisfying, though one of the busiest as well. I thank you for your prayers during this time, as we prepare to head back to a busy time in Suriname.
First, I wanted to evaluate teaching missions. This has been the first time teaching block courses in missions. Of course, as usual, the teacher learns the most from the class. I will probably try to decrease a bit the amount of information given so that students will have time to absorb it better. Also, I need to take more time personally reviewing the questions and answers to avoid typographical and other mistakes.
Second, I will try to develop single and short groups of classes on several subjects so that they can be given in a "stand alone" framework. This worked out well in a couple classes, but I would like a group of preparations where this is possible.
Third, I would ask you to pray as I seek to teach some new areas next year. I would like to teach on world religions, but with more than simply a recital of facts - history and practices, etc.... I would like to be able to integrate world view into the subject of religion - not only Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism, but also secular humanism, communism and atheism. World view ties in with the religion, but also has influence on how to approach presenting the gospel in an understandable way, and even influences such areas as economics and avoiding dependency (a subject I taught this year).
A second areas would be the history of missions with some illustrations from the lives of missionaries concerning basic mission principles, and also lessons to be learned from history - so that we don't have to learn them by experience, as so often happens.
A third area is the area of prayer and spiritual warfare - both what to do, as well as what not to do in this area. In fact, the overall topic would be the spiritual requirements of the missionary. So your prayers would be GREATLY appreciated.
One problem which I have been facing is to find good textbooks which include a number of the topics which I would be interested in teaching. There are some superb books available in some areas, but lacking in other areas. Your help and prayers along this line would also be appreciated.
One of the biggest blessings was contact with students, as well as contact with faculty. We had a number of great conversations. We met many wonderful students who are spiritual and on fire to do the Lord's will. It will be wonderful to have a small part in promoting their ministries.
A second area of blessing was visiting a number of churches - both supporting churches, who were all very gracious to us - as well as a number of new churches. It is always a blessing to meet pastors and share with them. The churches as well as schools have been very generous in their support and love offerings which more than covered our expenses for this mini-furlough.
We want to thank the Lord for many miles of safety on the road. I want to thank the Lord for Liz, who has been totally supportive of the ministry. Not only has she taken care of the meals, clothes, and prayer together, but she corrected the answers for all of the lessons (20,000 questions for the second two week block course), helped talk with students, gave some talks to ladies and young ladies, etc.
Our schedule time is August through October each year. It is not the ideal time for missions teaching in the USA (starting in September would be better), but it is the best time for the ministry in Suriname, as it is during their summer vacation, which begins in mid-August. Would you pray for our schedule for next year? Two schools have requested a block course in addition to the two we had this year. The problem is getting a proper schedule.
Some have wondered if we are now leaving Suriname. Others have wanted us to be more flexible in coming back to the USA to fit with their college schedules. We believe that God still has us primarily in Suriname, and that the work is not yet completed. We are praying for the work to be totally indigenous with national leadership. The teaching ministry in Suriname is bearing much fruit, and there is much more that I would like to be able to teach both in our Bible Institute, but also in terms of commentaries, TV ministry, etc.
Our prayer is that our Suriname churches will not only be self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating, but that they will catch the vision of world-wide missions. I believe that the great commission is for world-wide evangelism, and that is the responsibility of all churches, wherever they are located. Some churches even in persecution are reaching out to other areas or lands. We want what the Lord wants schedule-wise, and we don't want to focus primarily on the USA while our main ministry is primarily in Suriname. We don't want to leave mentally or emotionally before the Lord has indicated that we should relocate (if ever).
As we head back to Suriname, we would also covet your prayers for the trip back to Suriname, and as we plunge into the ministry there.
The corrections on the commentary of the New Testament are basically done. The completed materials should be sent to First Bible International next week. Thanks to my sister-in-law Joanna Tsuyuki, who has done the entire layout as a labor of love. Please pray for the printing, transport, and use of the commentary in the future.
Prayer requests:
- Our own spiritual growth and walking in the Spirit
- Health and strength for the tasks at hand
- Our return flights, luggage to arrive without problems, and arrival in Suriname on time with all luggage
- Learning the system with the Mac - several different programs including Keynote and Final Cut as well as Word for Mac and PowerPoint for Mac
- Completing the statutes for independence of the churches
- Continued soulwinning and growth of the churches
- Resuming the next years courses for the Bible Institutes in Suriname
- Continued growth of national leadership
- Printing of the New Testament commentary
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname