The count down has begun, just 50 days until we head back to the States. We are excited to get home and jump into the work of deputation. We are looking forward with great excitement to reach Zambia, yet it will be very hard to say good bye to all of the dear friends we have made here in Mongolia.
This week we got a blast of winter weather with temperatures dropping into the teens. On Thursday we got a good snow storm lasting 5 hours (although most of it didn't stick)!! I am told that this has been the coldest fall in Ulaanbaatar in 15 years!!!!
Concerning the ministry everything is going well. Sukhabattar (the man with cancer we had been trying to win to Christ) died. As far as I know he never did accept Christ. His wife and sons need our prayers now. The unsaved relatives are putting great pressure on the family to forsake Christ and turn to Buddha. The wife, who claims to be saved, has already given in to some of her relatives' wishes and has done some of the Buddhist things they told her to do. Pray for these and the many others who face constant pressure to reject Christ from family, friends and society.
God continues to bless our soul winning efforts with visitors every Sunday morning for the past several weeks.
We are excited about all that the Lord is doing in our lives.