Dear Praying Friends:Greetings from Kettering, Ohio. Tomorrow we will be speaking at Grace Baptist Church here, and then on to Minster, Ohio before going to the annual Baptist World Mission meeting Monday and Tuesday.
A week ago on Saturday, after a great week at Ambassador College, we packed up at and headed for Powell, Tennessee and Crown College. We stayed the entire week at the home of Jerry and Mary Cureton, who were most gracious hosts. They have an entire basement apartment which they made available to us. They are "retired" but Jerry basically is available for any maintenance-type problems at Crown College and Temple Baptist Church. He sold a building business a number of years ago but his time "volunteering" is really full-time. We enjoyed getting to know them.
We were very favorably impressed with Temple Baptist Church, where we attended both services on Sunday as well as Wednesday night. I was privileged to teach in the International Sunday school class for Br. Bill Giallorourakis, who is assistant to Dr. Sexton and also in charge of the missions program. I was allowed to teach 9 classes there, 6 for Br. Bill, and 3 for Dr. Charles Keen. The students are both sharp and receptive, and we enjoyed the teaching. I also had a chance to preach in Wednesday chapel to about 800 or so students as well as faculty. We are looking to be able to return in other years, and would ask you to pray with us about working out a satisfactory schedule. One of the things Crown College is working on now is developing a linguistics program with the goal of training translators - a goal dear to my heart too.
Liz was asked to speak twice on Tuesday. At noon she spoke to about 20 or so older ladies, mostly widows. Then at night she spoke to a group of 20-30 college wives. Both times she spoke to hearts. Not only did people come to speak with her over the next 1-2 days, but they came to tell me as well.
Dr. Keen and Br. Bill made us feel spoiled by their care of us, as did all the others at Crown. They are very gracious and thoughtful people!
We also had training on driving on very steep hilly roads with no shoulders in cold rain. It rained the entire week. We were astonished at the hills - remember that anything over about 10 feet high is a hill in Paramaribo - you can't find a flatter area - everything is at sea level.
One of the most enjoyable parts of our time at colleges has been the informal contact with both students and faculty. We had some very valuable and significant conversations especially with students at both Ambassador College and Crown College over the last two weeks, but this was also true in our times at the block courses at Indiana Fundamental Baptist College and at Baptist College of Ministry.
Yesterday after a late lunch with our hosts, we drove about 300 miles north on Rt. 75 to Kettering, Ohio, which is a suburb of Dayton. We are to speak in the "senior saints" class tomorrow morning, and then preach. In the afternoon, we will continue farther north. These two nights we are enjoying being in the home of missionaries who are currently on the road and graciously opened their home to us.
Prayer requests:
- Strength and health for the task
- Spiritual growth
- Safety in travel
- That the lessons, classes, and chapel preaching as well as church preaching will impact lives for Christ
- Continued prayer for our people in Suriname
- Computer program problems. I think that the problem is solved, but I was able to switch over to our new Mac computer this week, and had no real problems with using it for lessons.
- Please don't forget to continue to pray for Dr. John Dreisbach - his health and strength
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname