We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell. Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.00pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Paul & Janet's home
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
8.00pm Member's Meeting and Lord's Table
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.30pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker - Graham Spavin
7.45pm Creation update! - Dr John Peet
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
9.30am Open Air Outreach
11.00am & 6.00pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"Unless the LORD builds the house, they labour in vain who build it. Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." Psalm 127:1
Prayer For The Church:
Thank God for his blessing during holiday Bible club, for the large number of children and for their attentiveness and safety. Pray that numbers will be built up in the youth work to God's glory.
Pray for wisdom, grace and a God given empathy one for the other at our Members' meeting on Tuesday.
Prayer For The Local Area:
We praise God for a baptism at the end of last year and another one at the end of february DV. Please pray for a number of unconverted people who come quite regularly that the Lord would graciously call them to Himself. Please pray for a number of converted and baptised people who only come on Sunday mornings and do not want to become members because of the commitment it involves.
Please pray for our two gap year students and another young man in the congregation who feel called to some kind of Christian service and are seeking the Lords guidance. Please pray for our weekly evangelism that we will see more interest and conversions. PLEASE PRAY FOR REVIVAL IN BRIGHTON AND HOVE!
Michael Burch Michael, the Church Secretary at Borough Green, is recovering from an operation for bowel cancer and is still in some discomfort. Please pray for him and his wife Grace and their family.
Jack Hoad. A Thanksgiving Service for our former Association Secretary, Jack Hoad, is scheduled for Tuesday 3rd March at 12 noon. The committal will be prior to the service at Tunbridge Wells cemetery at 11.00am for close friends and family. While we rejoice that Jack is now with the Lord he loved and served, let us also remember Frances and Nigel (his children) and their families in our prayers at this time.
Sheila Moon (Thamesmead) A reminder that Sheila's funeral is scheduled to take place on Thursday 26th February beginning with the committal at Plumstead Cemetery at 2.00pm and followed by a Thanksgiving Service at Titmus Avenue, Baptist Church, Thamesmead SE28 8DJ at 3.00pm. Please pray for Derek and the family and Derek French as he leads the service.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Khmer Rouge War Crimes Trial starts in Cambodia
In the late 1970s, Khmer Rouge dictator Pol Pot oversaw the deaths of about 2 million people in Cambodia. Not surprisingly, Pol Pot's red hordes were especially merciless in their persecution of Christians.Now after more than thirty years the UN-sponsored tribunal has finally begun.
The surviving victims of that unspeakably evil regime have waited nearly a generation for justice.Unfortunately, that justice may never come. "Real justice," says Brad Adams, Asia director for Human Rights Watch, "means . . . making decisions . . . based on evidence, not politics." And sadly, according to the Wall Street Journal, politics and allegations of corruption and misuse of funds have already compromised the tribunal's integrity in the eyes of many.
Nonetheless, while the scandals surrounding the tribunal garner headlines, a much more amazing story is emerging-and it involves the murderous persecutors of Christianity.
Ninety percent of Cambodia's Christians may have been slaughtered during the reign of Pol Pot, but as human rights advocate Kristin Wright reported, more than 2,000 Khmer Rouge who once followed Pol Pot now follow Christ! Many of them converted after encountering the faith of those they murdered.
"It is a testimony," says Wright, "to the courageous lives of Christians who used their final words to witness to Khmer Rouge soldiers before being dumped in mass graves." And now, years after nearly being exterminated, Christianity is growing in Cambodia, despite the new government's clamp-down on non-Buddhist religious activities.
And as you pray for the persecuted Church, pray for the persecutors as well, that they, like the Apostle Paul and the former Khmer Rouge militants, will embrace the One whose followers they persecuted.
Bible Readings:
22nd Song of Songs 3:1-4:16; Acts 10:1-23a
23rd Song of Songs 5:1-16; Acts 10:23b-48
24th Song of Songs 6:1-13; Acts 11:1-30
25th Psalms 81-82; Acts 12:1-19a
26th Song of Songs 7:1-13; Acts 12:19b-13:12
27th Song of Songs 8:1-14; Acts 13:13-52
28th 1 Chronicles 1:1-2:55; Acts 14:1-20
1st 1 Chronicles 3:1-4:43; Acts 14:21-15:21
General Announcements:
Thursday 12th March 7.45pm
Slavic Gospel Association - area conference
Andrew Hill
Guests - Daniel and Ania Kryston (Poland)
Holiday Bible Club. We thank God for 67 children of primary school age who attended - for the toddlers and teenage helpers who also came and for several mums who attended the sessions. We praise God for the privilege of fellowship in service for Christ. We thank all friends for their prayers.
Members' meeting
It has been helpful for the eldership to hear from members concerning items on the agenda. If anyone else wishes to share or seek clarification on any matter please feel free to phone Mark or Paul.