We are a Reformed Baptist church based in south east London. We seek to be a friendly, and welcoming fellowship with a desire to reach our local area with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Service Times
9.45am Sunday Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting
Sunday Services 11am & 6pm (Evangelistic Service)
Monday 3.45pm Children's Hour (reception to year 3)
Wednesday 9.30am Mums & Tots 7.00pm KIC Club (Year 4 - 6 Children)
Thursday 1.30pm Ladies Rest Hour 7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer meeting
Friday 7.30pm FOY for secondary school children
Primary Speaker: Mark GladwellMark Gladwell was born and brought up on the south coast in Sussex. It was there, at the age of fifteen, that he came to know the Lord through the witness of a school friend. It was during 1983 that his home church, the Baptist Tabernacle in Brighton... | more..
We are an independent reformed Baptist Church, affiliated to the South East Grace Baptist association. We have been meeting together for worship in Belvedere since 1805. Our worship is simple in style, and both reverent and joyful in approach. Our wo..