I don't know what it's like in your part of the world but we are enjoying the "spring" like weather. The days are getting longer now and we are itching to get out into the fresh air.
Today we had very good services. We took time in the morning service to honor women, as today was Mongolia's national woman's day. The church people took invitations with them this week and invited out friends and family. One young lady had 12 visitors come out!! In all we had 18 visitors, including the mother of one of the young ladies from our church that is attending Fairhaven Baptist College. Pray now that these people will take the truth that they heard concerning salvation and turn to Christ by faith.
Carol and I are doing very well. God is blessing us and we are learning so very much. Continue to pray for the ministry here, as we fight Satan and sin. As always, pray that the people will allow the Holy Spirit to guide and change them into the image of Christ.