God's provision: For weeks, I have struggled trying to make DVDs of our new Advanced Bible Institute with only limited success. I asked you to pray. This weekend, a friend wrote asking if equipment would help. I knew that the Mac computer system is much better for this work, but also expensive. I even looked at some laptop computers, but questioned spending that much money. I prayed that the Lord would make His will clear. The friend wrote back before I had answered in detail, showing me an ideal Macbook Pro laptop. It would be a Sunday school project. We are thrilled. Pray that I will be able to learn the use of the computer and the programs to edit the DVDs. We will probably use Final Cut, which Bob Rasmussen and Jonathan Champlin mastered, but I haven't. Pray that we will be able to produce a quality program. We have had real interest in the advanced Bible Institute training. Two of our young preachers cannot attend classes because of their evening school, and are taking it by correspondence. Good DVDs would allow it to be used appropriately by more folks.
Interesting soulwinning lessons: A 17 year old young lady asked to be baptized Sunday. Liz and I visited her this afternoon. When I first spoke to them, she claimed to be saved. Her aunt sat by her, and said she was not. I presented salvation carefully in detail. When I asked where they were in terms of salvation, it turned out that the young lady was not saved, and prayed to receive Christ. Her aunt, it turned out, was saved at a Pentecostal church in French Guyana a number of years ago, baptized, but then got discouraged and stopped going to church. We encouraged her to restore her fellowship with the Lord and get active in church. You never know if someone is saved without checking.
We also visited a lady whom I have prayed for several weeks. She is a niece of one of our faithful ladies. Her five month old daughter has a large congenital diaphragmatic hernia with some of the liver in the chest. The doctors have arranged to send her to Columbia where they are better equipped to operate. Fortunately, the child has markedly improved over the past few weeks. This lady was also ready to accept the Lord. We pray especially for her trip to a Spanish speaking country with her baby, and that surgery will be successful. We pray that the lady will grow in the Lord.
A new "preacher boy." Mejo Banwarie asked to give some messages on Wednesday night service at Sunny Point. I spoke with Kenneth Domini, who is in charge of Sunny Point. Br. Mejo has been his "right hand man". Both of us asked Br. Mejo if he believed the Lord was calling him to preach, and he answered in the affirmative. We presented his request the leadership of all the churches, who were delighted to welcome him into our preaching training group. He is already participating on both our first Bible Institute, which he had begun but not finished. I had encouraged him to also participate in the Advanced Bible Institute when I saw his interest and talent. I will be meeting with him each Monday before Bible Institute to help him with messages and pray with him. Please pray for the Lord's hand on Br. Mejo Banwarie.
Prayer requests:
Health and safety in the ministry
Our spiritual growth and insight
Unity and true revival among our people
Souls saved and disciples built up in the faith
Independence for the churches - we continue to creep ahead in the statutes. Pray for continued progress, and also patience for me.
Our schedule in the USA. Our schedule is now basically complete for colleges. We will be teaching block courses in 2 schools and classes and/or chapel in 6 others. We are still working on a few openings in churches. Pray that we will be effective in ministering both in churches and colleges.
Continued support in a time of economic difficulties. Some of our churches are experiencing difficulties.
Training Br. Mejo and for the Lord to raise up other men as well.