Greetings Pastor and Church,I just returned from overseas and had a good trip to Lithuania and have things fairly well set for September, where we will be doing the Literature Distribution Campaign in 3 cities. We will be helping establish 2 Baptist works, one that was started 3 years ago and has their own building. And the other is a Bible Study that was started about 8 months ago and now is meeting for regular services on Sunday morning, in a building they are now renting. The third city has no work at all and we hope to see a new Church planted there because of the Campaign.
There are already 2 national missionaries and 2 American missionaries that are planning on working as a team to do the follow up, as well as start regular services the Sunday pm after the campaign. We are providing all the John and Romans for the Campaign, they will be shipped in April. We are in the process of purchasing at least 1200 Bibles for distribution at the meetings. It appears that they are going to cost about $12.00 each
We have shipped 1 container already this year and are accumulating and printing material for 3 others in the next 6 months. These 40 foot containers run about $6,000 each to ship. But the missionaries and National Pastors have no cost in them, as that is part of our ministry.
As to other expenses, for the upcoming Campaign, we will be investing about $40,000. This will cover the Newspaper ads, posters printed, flyers printed and mailed, 3 different tracts printed (100,000 of each), Radio advertisements, TV advertisements, special invitation flyers to be handed out on the street with the John and Romans, renting of the 3 halls for the meetings and materials that will go in the Bibles that are given away at the end of the preaching service.
We do have 14 people from the States that will be coming over for 2 weeks to help with the distribution and at least 6 coming up from the Ukraine also. We are praying that the Lord will add 2 or 3 more people in the next couple of weeks. That would be more than enough for the work we have to accomplish.
Cheryl and I leave a month long trip on Saturday. We have meetings in NC, GA, TN, NY and Canada. Anyone want to go for a ride or help raise some money? The Lord has been very good through this winter, as He always is, we have had one cold each and Cheryl had the flu for about a week, other than that......good health!!
Tomorrow, Friday 13, we will celebrate our 38th anniversary. AMEN and who would have ever thought?? Especially because we started out unsaved!! We are having 2 more Grandchildren this year, a boy in April and a girl in June, that will be a total of 14, I think we have started our own tribe.
On a serious note, our newest son-in-law, Jeremiah will be going into the Army in March, Katrina is the one due in June. They have been married for two years and up until recently have worked together at the same job, and have not been apart for more than a few hours. So between 10 weeks of basic and 20 weeks of schooling to be a Pharmacist assistant, they will be separated for most of 8 months. Not the best of timing but, these are trying times and being Christians it gives us more to rely on the LORD for. Jeremiah is a good bold witness, so I pray that as his life drastically changes he will see some fruit amongst those that put themselves in harms way for our freedom.
Your servants for Jesus sake in Eastern Europe and Russia,
Larry & Cheryl Ingalls