As a missionary myself, I am pastor of a church that is primarily made up of American military personnel here in the heart of Bavaria, Germany. This church helps to support other Christian missionaries around the world. In fact, we just had a mission conference who's main speaker was Dr. Jeff Alverson, director of the military mission branch of BIMI (Baptist International Missions, Inc.)
The conference went from last Sunday thru Wednesday and was a great success, so much so in fact, that we will be able to begin support for a few more missionaries. Sunday morning was interesting as we had a group of Sinti Gypsies attending who have become Christians as a result of missionaries preaching and teaching the Gospel. Missionaries Jim and Becky White are the "primary movers" ministering to those Gypsies. They are some of our dearest friends, and we try to do things together as much as our two different ministries allow.
Our ministry has been going well, and we've seen several folks trust in Christ for salvation recently, with about eight folks ready for baptism. We've seen Christians stand up and start serving; we've seen a movement in taking an active part, and a bunch of folks that are daily reading the Bible too. Presently it's "slog through the Winter time" and we are diligently looking forward to the Spring here in Bavaria. This South Florida boy is gaining a great dislike of white stuff! Did it ever occur to you that snow is a result of the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, and the Great Flood. Yep - Thorns, The Sweat of The Brow, Cats, and Snow - all because of sin!!! Heh, heh!
My son Joshua, whom many have asked about, is presently at Marine Corps Base 29 Palms, California attending Electronics Maintenance schooling. He is doing well in school, following his dad with high PFT scores, and maintaining his Christian service by being active as a pianist in a fairly new Baptist Church out in town.I'd ask for your prayers for several things:1)Linda slipped and fell on the ice a couple weeks ago, and though nothing broke she is having lower back pain when she has to stand or be on her feet for long. 2) I am still recovering from my bike accident injuries of last August, and have a ways to go yet with that. 3) We are praying for a complete music program for our church. 4) Please pray for 10 new families by the 25th of May. 5)Linda and I are also praying for a younger missionary family to come serve with us here, and eventually take over the work. Please pray with us for these things, and for our health.
Thank you all so very much for your faithfulness, especially the prayers. There have been times when I know that it is the prayers that have sustained us. And, thank you who have supported us financially. Since my accident, and the Post Concussion Syndrome, it has been all I can do to prepare four messages a week and pastor the church; I know that some have even increased our support during the past several months, and to you I truly say thank you, and God Bless you. "Only One Life 'Twill Soon Be Past, Only What's Done For Christ 'Twill Last!"