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Patton Prayer Update
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
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Dear Praying Friends:

Thanks so much for your faithful prayers. It is exciting to see how God answers them.

Bible Institutes: Unbelievable. We are still getting new students, but now they will have to wait until the next module comes. We have ended up with just under 40 students in the first Bible Institute, where we only had two returning students from our own church, but now have many. We also have 24 students in the advanced Bible Institute program. For the first time, we have students from Sunny Point in both Bible Institutes.

Both lessons seem to be going fine. The first Bible Institute is a bit difficult at first, especially in the initial section where we look at creation and the flood, and go over much scientific materials of an apologetics nature showing how science itself is totally compatible with the Bible. For those with a weak background in science, it is tough, but I love it! I have to be careful to "keep it simple" and remember most don't have my scientific background. Next week we begin with the life of the patriarchs, and the students will probably breathe a sigh of relief!

A number of persons have asked about how we are going to preserve the materials from the second Bible Institute. Our regular TV broadcasts take me about 2-3 hours to prepare and record four lessons, and probably twice that for Jonathan Champlin to make four 15 minute broadcasts of TV quality. Now I am generating about 2 hours of material, and there is no way that he and I could maintain that amount of time investment. However, his son Matthew wrote me from college about it, offering to help. While writing, a computer teacher "just happened by" and mentioned a program, Faststone Capture. Another person had mentioned using a program in the computer, and another to burn the DVD.

The first time I tried to do it live last Tuesday night, it was a disaster. However, it looks like the programs will work, actually with my older laptop which I use to make radio programs already. We will know next week. I am excited. This will allow me to record the program live, do a little bit of editing, and burn it on a DVD. Then it would resemble our program Bob Rasmussen did before he left for the first Bible Institute. Then the materials would be preserved, could be used by others in the interior, etc. It might also be feasible to do the same thing in the USA when teaching block courses.

I have had a problem with my voice doing so much teaching and preaching, and have been getting hoarse sometimes. It is aggravated by allergies here. I am trying to resurrect a wireless microphone hooked into our PA system to help reduce pushing my voice, and if that fails, to seek another solution with perhaps a small portable PA system which I could use. Would you join us in prayer for a solution to my problem?

Once again, I thank the Lord for Liz, who is making a huge difference by her total support of the program, doing corrections, giving encouragement, etc.

Scheduling: Thanks again for praying. A couple opportunities came this week, and it is possible that we may be able to have a third block course this year. As soon as the school schedule is settled, then we will be better able to schedule our churches as well.

Soulwinning: Once again, the Lord shows Himself faithful if we will only be faithful. It was another "one of those days." The first young lady we went to see is in the interior. Then we went to see a widow and pray with her, as she has had a lot of problems in the neighborhood. We then decided to see one of the ladies from our Efraimzegen church who lives nearby. We met her daughter-in-law, who was unsaved, and from the interior. As we were getting into the plan of salvation, a driver from the interior arrived and took her up the street to where her elderly mother was being dropped off . The road was too muddy to drive, and she needed help walking. I thought that this might be the end of our conversation, but the lady returned after we helped her mother inside the house. Several children crowded around also to see the illustration we use. She followed very well and was a heart prepared to make a decision. I also spoke to two sons, age 12 and 11, who also wanted to make a decision but did not really clearly understand salvation yet. I asked them all to come to Efraimzegen church on Sunday, where we will have others speak to the young boys again in more detail.

Independence: We made a few important improvements in the statutes which we hope to see implemented soon. One suggestion would be a great help to me personally in preparing the nationals to move ahead in responsibilities at the main church. We also need to strengthen our whole administrative system. We will meet again a week from Saturday and would appreciate your continued prayer.

Prayer requests:

  1. Safety, health and strength for the work
  2. Our personal spiritual growth
  3. Outreach of the churches through soulwinning and discipleship
  4. Bible Institutes - including recording live, and my voice problems
  5. Progress on independence

In Him and Content:
Bob and Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname since 1986

Category:  Pattons in Suriname

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