January 11, 2009
Of Princeton, New Jersey
Isaiah 9: 9: The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Worship
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
(The first Sunday of each month we meet at 10 AM for morning worship then observe the Lord's Table. After services we have lunch together.)
Clay Curtis, Pastor
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey, 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
Email: clay@sovereign-grace.us
When the scriptures speak of the worldly man being "simple" it is translated from a word which means "open-minded, naïve, and seducible." (Pr 1: 20-23.) It is the way of man that seems right to all men by nature. (Pr 16: 25.) Solomon illustrates this mind by describing a young man wandering through the street, lured by the flattering speech of a married woman (Pr 7:6-23.) Again, Solomon describes the simple of the world as those taken in by a woman speaking very loudly into the street, who sits in the most affluent part of town appearing reputable so as to gain a following, calling on those who would otherwise continue passing by her in the way they should go. Yet, she insults them as being narrow and promises to teach them a wider understanding by enticing her hearers with bread and water that only she can provide (Pro 9: 13-18.) This is a description of a false gospel which is designed to please sinful man. That subtle message which mingles ever so slightly our contribution to Christ's work is the stolen bread and water that is sweet to the sinful desires. Like the adulterous woman, it is a gospel perfumed and adorned with that which most attracts our fleshly understanding-- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (I Joh 2: 15, 16.) And it makes good on its promise to widen the insatiable appetite of the carnal mind of man more and more.
On the other hand, when the scriptures speak of the believer being "simple", it means "single-minded, narrow-minded." (2 Cor 1: 12; 11: 3.) Such a mind is contrary to the world which teaches us constantly, "Have an open-mind and show tolerance." The mystery of godliness revealed in the believer is as narrow as Christ alone. It pleased God that in the single person of his Son should all fullness of his glory and our salvation dwell. The narrow-minded desire created in the believer by God is for God to receive all the glory in salvation. The believer knows that we do not glorify God in a wide variety of ways which we perform, but our hope is in Christ alone who has saved us, is saving us and shall yet save us. This mind for Christ is the "one mind" which Paul prayed the saints would continue to have by God's grace (2 Cor 13: 11; Php 2: 2; 1 Pet 3: ; Col 1: 26, 27.)
Oh that God would be pleased to keep us from the evil by narrowing our minds through his word of truth, closing out all else, that we all may be of one mind, having the mind of Christ (I Cor 2: 12-16.)
A Most Amazing Thought!
Maurice Montgomery is pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Madisonville, Kentucky
"The Lord taketh pleasure in his people" (Psalm 149:4).
He who made us his Israel (V-2) takes pleasure in us. He chose us in his Son, loved us with an everlasting love, gave his only begotten Son to accomplish our redemption; He quickened, called and converted us, and will keep us unto the end of our faith, the ultimate salvation of our souls. I believe these words with all my heart, and this is not just doctrine to me, this is my life. I live on this truth - this Savior - day by day. But my heart is always overwhelmed with the thought that the God of the Bible "takes pleasure in me."
God has shown me the exceeding sinfulness of sin, my sin, and consequently, I can no longer take any pleasure in myself. Like Job, "I abhor myself" (42:6). But he takes pleasure in me! Amazing! Take the following words to heart, and worship the Lord our God. "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing" (Zeph. 3:17).
What grace! What love! What salvation! But most of all, "Hallelujah, what a Savior!"
Pastor Scott Richardson
Jesus Christ came into the world not only to reveal the Father, but to redeem the sinner. He came not as the President of our country who would go into a disaster area to look upon the poor, helpless victims, but to redeem victims of depravity whom the Father gave him in the covenant of redemption. Christ came not to redeem by appointed methods, but by Himself. He came not to stand by and prescribe, but to minister and provide the means of salvation. The Savior came not only to provide salvation, but to be that Salvation (I Pet. 1:18; Rev. 1:5).
What It Is to Confess Christ?
Pastor Henry Mahan
Our Lord said, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before my Father which is in Heaven" (Matthew 10:32). What is it to confess Christ?
1. It is to have an understanding in the mind of WHO Christ is, WHAT Christ did, and WHERE Christ is. "The Son of God has come and given us an understanding...." (I John 5:20).
2. It is to believe Christ in the heart. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation." (Romans 10:9-10) To receive Christ with a sincere and genuine heart love, and committal as Lord and Saviour, Prophet, Priest, and King.
3. It is to confess Christ openly and publicly in believer's baptism. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." Baptism does not save nor add anything to the Saviour's work; but it is a confession of, identification with, and testimony of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, and our own death to sin and resurrection TO WALK WITH HIM.
4. It is identification with the church of our Lord Jesus, the people who love Him, and the preachers who preach His Gospel of free and sovereign Grace. Paul said to Timothy, "Be not ashamed of the testimony (Gospel) of our God, nor of me His servant, but be ready yourself to partake (be identified) of the afflictions of the Gospel." Where the Gospel is preached, where the true people of God meet to worship, where the name of Christ is worshipped and exalted, THERE I WANT TO BE! And if I truly love Christ and confess Christ, THERE I WILL BE!
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