Isaiah 9: 3: Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. 4: For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.
Throughout the bible we read of the oppression of the Lord's people. We read of them being in bondage, in slavery, under the yoke and heavy burden of Satan and his servants. Scripture speaks of the "power of the devil", the "power of Satan", who hath blinded the minds of them that believe not.
Adam became the prey of Satan in the garden. When Adam sinned, as the first representative, having broken the law of God, the elect of God judicially became Satan's captives. Having been conceived in Adam's sin-nature, the god of this world blinded our minds and kept us in bondage. The devils power over God's elect had to be broken forensically and the serpents head has to be broken in the sinner experimentally for us to be brought into the liberty of the sons of God (Is 49: 24-26; Mt 12: 29.)
In chapter 8, verse 14, 15, Isaiah delivers the prophecy declaring that Christ shall be for a trap to his enemies whereby they will be baited and taken-for a gin (a trap) and for a snare (bait). The immediate context differentiates the natural sons of Israel from the elect in Israel (Ro 11: 7-10; 1 Pet 2: 8.)
Consider what we are taught from Israel's rejection of Christ? Israel, the nation, was formed by the LORD God to teach his elect out of every nation (the elect in Israel included) that God alone must and shall save his people from their sins. Out of all the nations in the world, Israel alone was given every advantage that a sinner can have, naturally speaking. Everything that could be done was done for them to bring them to trust God. (Is 5: 3, 4.)
Still, they would not trust God. Instead, under Satan's power they rejected God and yoked their fellow Israelites, using both God's law and all the evil tools of this world to do so. In the context here in Isaiah, we see it in that ten and a half tribes of Israel joined forces with Syria against their own countrymen in Judah, while Judah joined forces with Assyria against Israel. Yet, none but those shown grace in the heart by God turned to the LORD of hosts.
The clear teaching is that without Christ crushing Satan's power over us through his work on the cross and through his work in the heart, no man--Jew or Gentile--can or will believe on the LORD (1 Corinthians 1: 14.) That is why Christ came into the world and why sinners must be born of God. 1 John 3:8: He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 9: Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
LOCATION & TELEPHONE Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor 150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553 Pastor's Telephone: 615-513-4464
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday 10 AM Bible Class 11 AM Morning Worship Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service (The first Sunday of each month, morning worship begins at 10am followed by observing the Lord's Table. Afterwards we have lunch together.)
For those who might like to visit us without missing their regular services, we welcome you to join us for our Thursday night mid-week service.