In my email message, I forgot to mention that last Tuesday, we made our first effort to pass out the tracts we printed to the Jews. We passed them out in three square city blocks and, at every high rise building, were were able to either give them to the doorkeepers or were allowed to put them in every mailbox. We also passed them out to four Jewish men including a Rabbi from Isreal who was here to raise money for the unfortunate. We were able to get around 200 tracts into Jewish homes.
On Saturday evening, we received a phone call from a Jew. He just asked who we were and if we were Jews, then hung up. My only worry is that some Rabbi while tell the Jews not to receive the tracts and to tell the doorkeepers to not let us in. Please pray that we may continue to enter the buildings. On Sunday, I was able to pass out tracts to two Jewish families.