We thank God for another winter almost past. The Asian new year is going on now, which is supposed to mark the beginning of spring. For us it is a nice break in the regular schedule, but for those that have become Christians here it is a test of their obedience to Christ, as there are many customs that are contrary to God's Word. The main one is the drinking of vodka, a central part of the customs of the new year. So we pray for them, and try to encourage faithfulness to our Savior. The first day of the new year fell on a Sunday this year. There is a strong custom of going to see older relatives on that day, so we were happy to see some people in church Sunday morning and even Sunday evening.
Since the regular New Year in January, we have seen some encouraging things happen. Two people that had come once or twice before have begun to come regularly. One is a homeless man and a woman that comes with him. Of course they have some huge hurdles to cross, the first of which will be to make some serious, big decisions, but we believe that God can change even lives as broken as theirs. Another young man decided that he was going to come to church even if it cost him his job. He comes to all services now, Saturday soulwinning, and helps with our regular teen activity. That is a big blessing to me. And he still has his job, albeit with a cut in pay. Another young man started coming again after leaving for a while. That is always encouraging to me, as it has happened before that somebody we thought was saved stopped coming. When they come back it is evidence to me of the Spirit's conviction.
We have set some goals as a church this year. It seemed good to me to set some definite goals for church growth, and to ask God for people to take some responsibilities here in the church. So we are praying and have various steps to implement in order to give God something to bless and thus bring the results we want to see. I believe the first goal we will see met is giving two people the responsibility of teaching the children's Sunday School. We have two young ladies that have shown themselves faithful. I will approach them very soon concerning teaching. When I do, I will set some requirements for their personal lives and church involvement, and if they agree, train them. Then they will start teaching this summer.
I believe we need to have more of an influence on the people in the general vicinity of our church. Alcoholism and general depravity are rampant, and spiritual interest is usually completely absent. On top of that, the biggest Buddhist temple and monastary in Mongolia is about a half mile from our rented church building. I plan to give specific areas to people in the church who will be partners in soulwinning, and make them responsible for tract distribution in that area. We have potentially six or so pairs in the church.
We will appreciate your prayers for us as we try to build a church for God here in Mongolia. Also, please pray for us as we strive to have the discipline and holiness in our own lives that will make us vessels that God can bless. Thank you for your prayers and support.