We would like to extend a warm welcome to you.
This bulletin covers the weeks from Sunday 20th July to Sunday August 24th.Weekly meetings through the summer:
Lord's Day
It is hoped that pastor will be able to preach on all the Sundays and Thursdays during this period except for those listed below
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Other meetings:
Sunday 20th July Preacher Ray Birch
Thursday 24th July
2.00pm Ladies meeting - Bob Morgan
7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Paul
Thursday 31st July Ladies Mtg - Bruce
Sunday 3rd August Lord's Table 5.40p.m. (see notes)
Tuesday 19th August - Members' prayer meeting 8.00pm
Thought For The Summer:
"...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28 v 20
Prayer For The Church:
Pray for Ruth and Mona as they seek employment.
Pray for Simon and Ali.
Pray that the Lord's blessing will rest upon the ministry.
Prayer For The CAMPS
Winchelsea 2008 (26th July to 2nd August)
This year, 5 children (Matthew, Megan, Rebecca, Jack and Liam) will be going along with Sarah and Ralph to Winchelsea with children from the church at Whitstable. The week is organised by David and Helen Platts. Please pray that the children may have a happy time. Also pray for Mark and Ralph as they give the daily Bible talks.
CCIW camp No. 4 (16th to 23rd August)
Pray for Alistair Simms as he leads the daily talks.
Pray for Fiona and Ralph as they lead the camp and that God may give them wisdom in everything and there may be good teamwork and dependence upon God.
Pray that the Lord will help the officers as they give their bible studies. The officers attending from our church are Matt, Karen, Paul & Janet.
Pray that all officers and campers may have a happy and safe week.
*If anyone would like to make cakes, these would be very much appreciated. Please give to one of the officers attending.
CCIW camp No. 5 (23rd to 30th August)
Pray for Norman Gilbert as he leads the daily talks.
Pray for Rob and Jane as they lead the camp on a new camp site.
Pray that the Lord will help the officers as they give their bible studies. The officers attending from our church are Daniel, Sarah and Jonathan.
Pray that all officers and campers may have a happy and safe week.
Bible Readings:
21st Joshua 21:1-45; Luke 5:1-26
22nd Psalms 39; Luke 5:27-6:16
23rd Joshua 22:1-34; Luke 6:17-49
24th Joshua 23:1-16; Luke 7:1-35
25th Joshua 24:1-33; Luke 7:36-8:15
26th Proverbs 9; Luke 8:16-39
27th Judges 1:1-36; Luke 8:40-9:17
28th Judges 2:1-23; Luke 9:18-62
29th Psalms 40; Luke 10:1-42
30th Judges 3:1-31; Luke 11:1-54
31th Judges 4:1-24; Luke 12:1-34
August (year one)
1st Judges 5:1-31; Luke 12:35-59
2nd Judges 6:1-40; Luke 13:1-35
3rd Judges 7:1-25; Luke 14:1-35
4th Judges 8:1-35; Luke 15:1-32
5th Psalms 41; Luke 16:1-31
6th Judges 9:1-57; Luke 17:1-37
7th Judges 10:1-11:40; Luke 18:1-17
8th Judges 12:1-13:25; Luke 18:18-43
9th Judges 14:1-15:20; Luke 19:1-27
10th Judges 16:1-31; Luke 19:28-20:8
11th Judges 17:1-18:31; Luke 20:9-47
12th Psalms 42-43; Luke 21:1-38
13th Judges 19:1-30; Luke 22:1-38
14th Judges 20:1-48; Luke 22:39-71
15th Judges 21:1-25; Luke 23:1-43
16th Proverbs 10; Luke 23:44-24:12
17th Ruth 1:1-2:23; Luke 24:13-53
18th Ruth 3:1-4:22; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
19th Psalms 44; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16
20th 1 Samuel 1:1-28; 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5
21st 1 Samuel 2:1-36; 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13
22nd 1 Samuel 3:1-4:22; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
23rd 1 Samuel 5:1-6:21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
24th 1 Samuel 7:1-8:22; I Thessalonians 5:12-28
25th 1 Samuel 9:1-27; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
26th Psalms 45; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
27th 1 Samuel 10:1-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5
28th 1 Samuel 11:1-15; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
29th 1 Samuel 12:1-25; 1 Timothy 1:1-11
30th 1 Samuel 13:1-22; 1 Timothy 1:12-20
31st 1 Samuel 13:23-14:52; 1 Timothy 2:1-15
General Announcements:
The SE District Fellowship Day for 2008 will take place on Saturday 6th September 2008.
The church at Mount Zion, Meopham Green have kindly agreed to host this event this year and are looking forward to welcoming families and friends from other churches in the District to their beautiful part of Kent.
The afternoon will begin at around 2.00pm and there will be two walks around the Meopham area to choose from - one shorter for the less energetic amongst us and one longer for those who are feeling really fit!
Tea will be provided after the walks.
Even if you do not feel able to join one of the walks, do come along for a time of fellowship with family and friends from other churches.
Please let Paul know on Sunday 24th August if you hope to go.