We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship will be at Bruce & Margarets.
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour - new time.
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
(2p.m. Paul speaking at Bexleyheath Ladies' meeting)
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
8.10pm Rehearsal for H.B.C. -all "animals" welcome.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Bruce
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Led by Pastor
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens; by His knowledge the depths were broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew." Proverbs 3:19,20
Prayer For The Church:
Please think about adopting a weekly activity or even one child to particularly pray for and keep up to date with - and let's be expectant in prayer.
Pray for the preparations leading up to Holiday Bible Club.
Pray for those that need to learn lines and have the extra commitment on a Wednesday evening.
Pray for those seeking full time employment.
Pray for those away next weekend that the Lord will be present with them in all His grace.
Pray for Jon as he seeks the Lord's leading.
Prayer For The Local Area:
St John's Wood ‘We give God great thanks for many small encouragements over the past year. Please pray with us that we would be gospel full in life and bold and clear in evangelism.'
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Reports from the Bible Broadcasting Network - http://www.bbnradio.org/
"Christ Jesus is the Only Lasting Hope" Recently our National Coordinator in Bolivia talked to a 17-year-old young man. His family years ago had attended an evangelical church, but was now in turmoil. No one wanted anything to do with the Lord. Rape, mental illness, drunkenness, and illegitimate births were common in his home. He sat in our station crying uncontrollably over his sin. After hearing the Gospel, he wanted to know if he could trust Christ right away. He did trust Christ, and began to share with others what had happened to him. He was so thankful for the ministry of BBN-Spanish, and the hope it gives to those in peril.
"I Have Returned" Recently BBN-Portuguese reported the story of a man in Curitiba, Brazil that returned to the Lord after 22 years of his own wilderness wandering. He heard a wonderful hymn on BBN-Portuguese that touched him deeply. Today he is rejoicing because "his whole family also came to Christ." Unashamedly, he proclaimed, "The Lord has blessed me greatly!"
"God Moves A Mission Field" North Korea is a heavily restricted and closed nation. Refugees flee to China to escape the economic hardship and religious persecution only to be forced to return to labour camps or execution. However, a South Korean Mission Agency reports that 14,000 refugees have been granted status in South Korea or America. 70% of these have become Christians. Now South Korean missionaries can reach at least some of the North Korean people without actually being in North Korea. BBN-Korean is supplying the spiritual support needed for many of these missionaries as they minister to the North Korean refugees.
"Keep Your Six Shooter Loaded" That's the phrase an old Bible college professor from Texas used to tell his class. He wanted them to always have a message that was fresh and ready to preach. Andrey, one of our BBN-Russian announcers was recently reminded of that lesson when he purchased airline tickets to Russia. When the Russian speaking ticket agent asked, "how's it going," he began to tell her about BBN-Russian's music and programming. Let's pray for the salvation of this lady and other Russians. And like Andrey, let's keep our six shooter loaded and use it!
Bible Readings:
27 Genesis 30:1-43; Matthew 20:17-34
28 Psalms 7-8; Matthew 21:1-22
29 Genesis 31:1-55; Matthew 21:23-46
30 Genesis 32:1-33:20; Matthew 22:1-22
31 Genesis 34:1-31; Matthew 22:23-46
1 Genesis 35:1-36:43; Matthew 23:1-39
2 Genesis 37:1-36; Matthew 24:1-51
3 Genesis 38:1-30; Matthew 25:1-46
4 Psalms 9; Matthew 26:1-35
Acknowledgement. - North Coast Calvary Chapel
General Announcements:
Dates for Diary
Grace Baptist Church Bexleyheath invites you to hear Alun McNabb on 9 February 2008 at 3pm and 6pm on the occasion of our Special Preaching Services and Pastor's Anniversary
Holiday Bible Club
3 weeks!
Invitations are ready to go out this week. They are bundled into 30s for convenience.
There are stapled copies for distribution to children's hour and KIC club.
Wedding Everyone is welcome to attend the wedding ceremony of Joanna and John at Goldings Church,Loughton on 1st March at 2pm. Please let Cliff or Joyce know if you are likely to go so we can let the church know for seating Thankyou.
Member's meeting
If anyone has a matter to be considered by the church officers please let Ken Winnie have it in writing by next week please.