We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship will be at Cliff & Joyces.
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour - new time.
8.15pm Deacon's Meeting
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children
8.10pm H.B.C. jungle practice.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Grace Burch
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Led by Paul "Believer, to Him you are precious!" John 17 v 6
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Graham Trice
Thought For The Week:
"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and said, "Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that you have brought me this far?" 2 Samuel 7:18
Prayer For The Church:
Please think about adopting a weekly activity or even one child to particularly pray for and keep up to date with - and let's be expectant in prayer.
Pray for the preparations leading up to Holiday Bible Club. Pray for those that need to learn lines.
Please pray urgently for David and Pete, Sarah and Ruth as they seek employment.
Prayer For The Local Area:
SAVED2SERVE - ‘Compelling Stuff' - A Day for Young People
Saturday 9 February 2008 at St John's Wood Road Baptist Church,
39 St John's Wood Road, London NW8 8QX, from 10.00am to 4.00pm
Inspiring, challenging and training young people for Christian service as a short term opportunity or a long term vocation, among our churches and beyond.
Guest speaker is Dr Johnny Long (involved in the Urban Harvest Network)
Refreshments provided - £5 charge for the day
Pre-registration required. Contact Nigel Hoad by telephone: 0208 289 7715 or email: nigel.hoad@sky.com
The church at Epsom. The church correspondent writes: ‘Thanks for improved health for pastor Brian Moody. Please pray for the many contacts the church has, that this year we might see them bearing fruit. Also remember our Missionaries the Wilcox family in Macedonia.'
Bexleyheath. Grace Baptist Church Bexleyheath are holding a special preaching service that also marks the pastor's anniversary on 9th February at 3pm and 6pm when Alun McNabb is due to be the preacher. All are invited.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Christians blamed for acts of radical criminal gangs The situation for Christians is increasingly difficult throughout all of Pakistan. A Barnabas contact in the Punjab region, which borders India, recently explained that in one village criminal gangs, linked to the Islamist radical group Lashkar-i-Taiba, have been trying to pass the blame for their crimes on to Christians.
The police have colluded with the criminals in blaming the Christians for crimes they did not commit. Christians, therefore, feel very vulnerable as the authorities are not willing to protect them. Meanwhile, in Pakistan the growing threat to Christians was highlighted by the recent killing of the elder brother of Younis Tasadaq in January.
Younis Tasadaq had been accused under the "blasphemy law" in 1998, but was released and managed to escape to America in 1999. In 2007 he returned to Pakistan, and it is believed that Islamic radicals discovered he was back in the country and assassinated his brother, Simon, whom they mistook for Younis.
So far police have refused to register the case, claiming it was suicide. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, comments: "Christian minorities in Pakistan need our prayers, especially the beleaguered Christians of the North West Frontier Province, who face the pressure of shari`a as well as the violence of Islamic militants. I am thankful to the Lord for their faithfulness and courage in the face of such sustained pressure."
1.Pray for the grieving families of Sajid William and Simon Tasadaq and for all who knew them.
2.Pray for courage and hope for Pakistani Christians, many of whom have received death threats.
3.Thank the Lord for their faithfulness to Him, that they would rather die than convert to Islam.
Bible Readings:
3 Genesis 38:1-30; Matthew 25:1-46
4 Psalms 9; Matthew 26:1-35
5 Genesis 39:1-40:23; Matthew 26:36-75
6 Genesis 41:1-57; Matthew 27:1-31
7 Genesis 42:1-38; Matthew 27:32-66
8 Genesis 43:1-34; Matthew 28:1-20
9 Genesis 44:1-34; Acts 1:1-26
Acknowledgement. - North Coast Calvary Chapel
General Announcements:
Want to get fit?!
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm.
Dates for Diary H.B.C. in 2 weeks.
Everyone is welcome to attend the wedding ceremony of Joanna and John at Goldings Church,Loughton on 1st March at 2pm. Please let Cliff or Joyce know if you are likely to go so we can let the church know for seating Thankyou.