We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell. Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
5.40pm Lord's Table (Please see notes on reverse)
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship will be at Cliff and Joyces.
Weekly Meetings:
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4, 5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Miss Hider
7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker: Ralph
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Jo Long
Thought For The Week:
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." Psalm 32:8
Prayer For The Church:
Please pray for the outreach opportunities that begin again this week.
Pray for those on holiday this week - Mark & Marilyn, Mark & Debbie.
Pray for the preparations leading up to Holiday Bible Club.
Please pray for Ruth, Debbie and Sarah as they look for permanent jobs.
Let us thank God that Pastor Mark's tests on Wednesday did not show up any obvious causes for concern, but continue to pray that he will be strengthened. He has a further appointment with a cardiologist in a few months time.
Please continue to pray for Elaine that mother and baby will be kept in good health during these final months of pregnancy.
Prayer For Local Area:
Belvedere is the church on our Prayer Diary for the coming week. ‘We praise God for regularly reaching around 60 children and young people at clubs during the week, and for a thriving ‘Mums and Tots' group. Many unbelievers sit under God's Word on a Lord's day. Pray that God will honour the preaching and teaching of His living Word. Pray for Pastor Mark as he is having various tests and has been quite unwell recently.'
Prayer For Wider Area:
Grace Baptist Mission News - Kenya Update
Kisumu - The situation in Kisumu is perhaps more intense than in other parts of the country. Our missionaries are safe in the confines of their home, but food supplies are hard to come by as many of the shops are closed, and fresh deliveries of food and fuel are not getting through. The violence on the streets of Kisumu has been intense at times with many shootings that have resulted in numerous deaths. Buildings have been set on fire, and widespread looting has taken place. Hospitals have run out of food supplies and the Red Cross are working hard to share the available food and supplies of medicines. The pastor of the church in Kisumu and his family have been threatened and one church member has had his house set on fire. The latest report from Kisumu is more encouraging as there is now food in the shops and a sense of calm has been restored to the town centre. Our missionaries continue to stay in their home for safety, although they are able to have supplies of food delivered to them.
Nairobi - It is the poorer, crowded areas of the city where most of the violence and unrest has been felt. Our missionaries are safe, but often disturbed with the sound of gun fire especially at night. Church members living in the slum area of Kijiji say that the area has been ringed by police and it is hard to move in or out. One brother in Mathare North is barricaded in his room with his parents and siblings in a block of flats as he belongs to the ‘wrong' tribe. Many church members of Trinity Baptist Church are stranded up-country in their rural homes as there is hardly any long-distance public transport. The ministry at Trinity Baptist Church has continued as normal, although people having to cross Nairobi have not been coming. Eldoret - The pastor is having to provide shelter and food for fifteen people in his home as their homes have been destroyed. Food is scarce and inflation rampant adding to the problems they face. Please pray for peace and reconciliation, that the present troubles will subside and law and order restored to the country. Pray for continuing safety for all our brethren in this troubled land.
Bible Readings:
January (year one)
1 Genesis 1:1-2:3; Matthew 1:1-25
2 Genesis 2:4-25; Matthew 2:1-23
3 Genesis 3:1-24; Matthew 3:1-17
4 Genesis 4:1-26; Matthew 4:1-25
5 Genesis 5:1-6:22; Matthew 5:1-20
6 Genesis 7:1-8:22; Matthew 5:21-48
7 Psalms1-2; Matthew 6:1-15
8 Genesis 9:1-29; Matthew 6:16-34
9 Genesis 10:1-32; Matthew 7:1-29
10 Genesis 11:1-32; Matthew 8:1-17
11 Genesis 12:1-13:18; Matthew 8:18-34
12 Genesis 14:1-24; Matthew 9:1-17
13 Genesis 15:1-16:15; Matthew 9:18-38
Acknowledgement - North Coast Calvary Chapel - California
General Announcements:
Lord's Table: We invite visitors who are active members of an evangelical church and have been baptized by immersion to commune at the Lords Table. Friends who are not eligible to participate are welcome to observe but are kindly asked to refrain from taking the bread and wine.
Bible Readings
Please note the new Bible reading plan inside bulletin. This will help you read the bible in 2 years. Please ignore the "q,s" - it is a problem from cutting and pasting from the original.
Want to get fit after the Christmas Period!?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm.
Dates for Diary
Thursday Jan 17th Local area prayer meeting.
H.B.C. in 7 weeks.