Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
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I was lost in sin and shame. Could my sinful soul be spared?
Only in the substitute sent by God my sin to bear.
Jesus Christ is all my plea. When He died, He died for me.
Then I heard the gospel cry, “Look to Christ the Lamb who died.”
He will cleanse and sanctify. By His blood He justifies.
Jesus Christ is all my plea. When He died, He died for me.
Whom have I in heav’n but thee? Whom on earth beside thee Lord?
Christ is all in all to me. Now and for eternity.
Jesus Christ is all my plea. When He died, He died for me.
When we’re in that ransomed throng, joined in everlasting song.
And we see Him face to face. Round His throne we’ll take our place.
Christ will still be all my plea. When He died, He died for me.
(Tune: “Rock of Ages” p. 126)
6th Frank Tate 8th Maggie Kinnel
14th Lee Tate 17th Kynslee Keesee
19th Brinley Baisden 22nd Chip Holbrook
24th Janey Hollback 25th Bob Boyd
“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound” – Psalm 89:15
The gospel of God’s grace is the most joyful sound heard on earth, but the only people who hear the gospel as a joyful sound are sinners. Righteousness in Christ who obeyed the law for His people is only a joyful sound to sinners who cannot obey God’s law. Forgiveness of sin in the blood of Christ is only a joyful sound to guilty, hell deserving sinners. Freedom from death because Christ died as the substitute for His people is only a joyful sound to dead sinners. Being told to look to Christ over and over again is only a joyful sound to sinners who have no other hope but Christ.
So the question is, are you a sinner. If you are a sinner, there is a joyful sound for you in the gospel of God’s grace that is in Christ Jesus.
When Cain asked the Lord, “Am I my brother’s keeper” (Gen 4:9), he was trying to shift blame for his guilt in murdering his brother. Let us never be guilty of doing what Cain did.
Yes indeed we are our brother’s keepers. We should keep our brethren in our prayers. We should keep our brethren supplied in times of need. We should keep near our brethren in times of sorrow and grief. We should keep our brethren encouraged as we go through this life together. Let us always be our brother’s keeper.
Kind words, thoughtful compliments, and deeds of mercy are always appropriate. Happy are those who are the recipients of them. Happier far are those who bestow them!
Don Fortner
“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” – Romans 5:2
What hope can any sinner have when they stand before God? On what grounds can they be accepted? What reason can they have of being allowed to enter into heaven? There is only one, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ gives us the right to stand before God because we stand in Him. We are accepted in Christ and have access to God through Him. It is Jesus Christ Himself that gives sinners the grace whereby they stand before God with a good hope. And the grace wherein believers stand now will continue until they are all standing with Christ in glory.
Pastor Larry Criss
When I consider the broadness of my sins, I see the broadness of the love of Christ which spreads out to cover them all. When I consider how long I have been sinning against God, I see the length of the love of Christ reaching beyond the length of them all. When I consider the depths of my sin, I see the depths of the love of Christ underneath my soul, holding me up. When I think that my sins have reached into heaven, I see the height of my Lord’s love that reaches above my sins. Oh, the breath, length, depth, and height of the love of Christ my Savior to my poor soul - it passes knowledge.
Pastor Bruce Crabtree
When the fire of God’s justice fell on the sacrifices at Mount Carmel, and Mount Calvary there were two strikingly different outcomes. Upon Mt. Carmel, the sacrifice that Elijah prepared, God consumed the wood, rocks, dust, water, and the sacrifice. There was nothing left. God’s justice against sin could not be satisfied.
However, upon Mt. Calvary and the Sacrifice that God made, the wrath, judgment and justice of God was exhausted and extinguished, while the Sacrifice remained. That means that when Christ said, “It is finished,” that “God was satisfied.” Thank God for Christ, the One Sacrifice that was made for sin forever. (Hebrews 10:12)
Pastor David Eddmenson