Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
As on the cross of Christ I thought, it seemed I heard one cry,
Is all this nothing in your eyes, you who this day pass by?
Is not such suff’ring greater than, that which you’ve seen before?
And was there ever any man, who grieved or suffered more?
I looked again, and what I saw, I cannot fully tell.
It seemed within His very bones, there raged the fire of hell.
What caused you grief? I asked the man, what crimes could you have done?
That God Jehovah, struck you down, and left you all alone?
His answer cut my heart like steel, and left me void of breath.
‘Tis for your sins this pain I feel, for you I go to death!
Your soul before my Father’s throne, could find no place to hide.
This is the way God can be just, and you be justified.
Jehovah’s mercies never fail, each morning they are new.
Great is His faithfulness and love, therefore, we’re not consumed!
Jehovah God, in Christ the Son, shall all my portion be.
My soul shall therefore wait for Him, and live eternally.
(Tune: There Is a Fountain p. 222)
25th Cecel Thornbury 25th Lilah Thornbury
28th Debbie Davis
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Heather Spence, Maddie Cook
Sunday Worship Service: Julie and Emmy Thornbury
Wednesday Service: Sandy and Lilah Thornbury
Next Week: Michelle Simpson, Clarah Floyd, Lindy Herrell, Sydney Kinnel, Tara Kinnel
We extend our deepest sympathy to Dan Morgan whose father, Ronald Edward Morgan, passed away last week.
We will have a church dinner after the service next Sunday to honor our high school graduates.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1)
It is obvious that Almighty God is merciful when He saves a sinner. Did you know that Almighty God is also always just when He does not damn a sinner? When Christ was made sin for His people, God’s justice demanded that He die because that is what sin deserves. Now that Christ has died in the place of His people, that same justice demands that those people have eternal life. Since the death of Christ fully satisfied God’s justice against the sin of His elect, “there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
God did not force men to crucify his Son. Yet, his Son died by the hands of wicked men at exactly the time, and in exactly the way which God had from eternity predestined.
Don Fortner
Faith Without Works Is Dead - James 2:17
A faith without works is useless; but works without faith are equally worthless. Good works are not the cause of faith nor do they aid nor assist faith; they are the results of faith, which is the gift of God. They are the proof of faith.
A man may have some good works without having faith in the Lord Jesus; but one cannot have faith in the Lord Jesus and not have good works. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.”
Good works are not an infallible proof of the presence of faith; but the absence of good works clearly shows the absence of faith.
Henry Mahan
“And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?” - Mark 4:38
We know the story of our Lord sleeping in a storm on the sea. We remember the lack of faith in the disciples, and the fear that goes hand in hand with it. Often times, believers look down on and judge those disciples for not having faith. “How could they be so shaken? The Lord of Glory was on the boat with them!”, we say.
Christ was in the “hinder part”. The aft of the ship. The most “violent part”! And they were in the easier part.
In our stormy seas that the Lord sends [today’s trial, right now!], hasn’t He already bore our “violent parts”? Hasn’t He already removed the condemnation we earned with the Father? Hasn’t He already calmed the seas of wrath for us? For those He laid down His life for – YES!!
Now, has He left us? Forsaken us? Are we not in fellowship (fellows in the same ship) with Him? Why then do we have no faith in the tossing of our trials?
Have faith, believe the Person, the Word, and the Work of our King! And be at peace; fear not! He is with us and has promised to never forsake us. Just exactly like our brethren on that ship.
Pastor Kevin Thacker