Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
The birds without barn or storehouse are fed;
From them let us learn to trust for our bread;
His saints, what is needful, shall not be denied
So long as it's written, "The Lord will provide."
We all may, like ships, by tempest be tossed
On perilous seas, but will not be lost;
Though Satan enrages the wind and the tide,
Yet Scripture engages, "The Lord will provide."
No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim;
Our trust is all thrown, on Jesus' dear name;
In this our strong tower for safety we hide;
The Lord is our power, "The Lord will provide."
When life sinks apace, and death is in view,
The word of His grace shall see us safe through;
No fearing nor doubting with Christ on our side,
We hope to die shouting, "The Lord will provide!"
(Tune: O Worship The King p. 1)
17th Gary Hollback 25th Cecel Thornbury
25th Lilah Thornbury 28th Debbie Davis
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Stacie Tate, Colleen McClay
Sunday Worship Service: Janet Tate, Alexis Baldwin
Wednesday Service: Abby Floyd
Next Week: Heather Spence, Maddie Cook, Julie and Emmy Thornbury, Sandy and Lilah Thornbury
“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” (Phil. 4:5)
The word translated moderation does not mean what we typically mean today when we use the word moderation. The word Paul uses means gentleness and patience that is seemly for a believer.
In the passage, Paul is talking about the importance of a believer’s attitude and conduct. Our attitude and conduct are directed by faith in the heart. Belief in salvation by the works of the law will produce a harsh, judgmental person because that is what the law produces. Belief in salvation by grace that is in Christ alone will produce a kind and gentle person who is patient with others like God is patient with us. Faith in Christ alone will produce a forgiving person who forgives others “even as God for Christ‘s sake hath forgiven you.” (Eph. 4:32)
How Do You Hear?
Many hear the gospel carelessly, caring nothing for their souls, the glory of God, or the will of God. Others hear the preached Word critically, only listening for the preacher to say something they can differ with and criticize. Multitudes hear the preaching of the gospel selectively, hearing only what they want to hear. Saved sinners hear the Word profitably, saying as they hear, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth Thee.”
Don Fortner
I think that very often unbelievers sit under the preaching of the Gospel, waiting and hoping for some kind of experience or feeling of peace and joy before believing the testimony of God concerning His son (I John 5:9-13; John 3:21-36; 8:24). If you are doing this, then you have, to use an old proverb, “Put the cart before the horse,” and are actually looking to yourself rather than to Christ for your soul’s salvation! Believing is the key which opens the door (Christ) through which sinners enter in “Rejoicing”! Thus, the great apostle to the Gentiles writes that we obtain “joy and peace through believing.”
Maurice Montgomery
Houses built on the sands of self-righteousness, works, and law will soon develop many faults. They are usually out-of-plumb or unbalanced. They lean one way or the other: big on prophecy and little on grace—heavy on healing and silent on substitution—strong on sanctification and weak on justification! They develop cracks in their structure which make the dwellers uncomfortable in storms and cold weather. No false profession can provide peace or “rest" during trials. They need constant repair. These houses, having no foundation, always require a specialist to come in often and revival, rebuild, rededicate, and repair them. But unfortunately, the owner is not too much disturbed by the condition of his sand house, for there are so many on the block just like his that he assumes that this terrible state is normal. He has never lived in a solid, scriptural house built on the rock Christ Jesus, so he doesn't know the difference.
Scott Richardson
Heart worship, heart love, and heart obedience are far more difficult than the outward forms and duties of religion because they are unseen, unrecognized, and unrewarded of men.
Henry Mahan
You will never find the true interpretation of any passage of scripture until you have found in it somewhere a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the message and the subject of all the scriptures.
Pastor David Eddmenson